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The Politics of International Migration Management

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Cover of 'The Politics of International Migration Management'

Table of Contents

  1. Altmetric Badge
    Book Overview
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    Chapter 1 The Politics of International Migration Management
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    Chapter 2 Liberalizing Movements? The Political Rationality of Global Migration Management
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    Chapter 3 For the Benefit of Some: The International Organization for Migration and its Global Migration Management
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    Chapter 4 Imagined Migration World: The European Union’s Anti-Illegal Immigration Discourse
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    Chapter 5 ‘We are Facilitating States!’ An Ethnographic Analysis of the ICMPD
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    Chapter 6 Borders and Populations in Flux: Frontex’s Place in the European Union’s Migration Management
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    Chapter 7 Mobility, Development, Protection, EU-Integration! The IOM’s National Migration Strategy for Albania
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    Chapter 8 Expanded Borders: Policies and Practices of Preventive Refoulement in Italy
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    Chapter 9 Informing Migrants to Manage Migration? An Analysis of IOM’s Information Campaigns
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    Chapter 10 Migration Policy Development in Mauritania: Process, Issues and Actors
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    Chapter 11 International Refugee Law, ‘Hyper-Legalism’ and Migration Management: The Pacific Solution
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    Chapter 12 Refugees or Migrants? The UNHCR’s Comprehensive Approach to Afghan Mobility into Iran and Pakistan
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    Chapter 13 From ‘The Whole Enchilada’ to Financialization: Shifting Discourses of Migration Management in North America
Attention for Chapter 2: Liberalizing Movements? The Political Rationality of Global Migration Management
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Chapter title
Liberalizing Movements? The Political Rationality of Global Migration Management
Chapter number 2
Book title
The Politics of International Migration Management
Published by
Palgrave Macmillan, London, January 2010
DOI 10.1057/9780230294882_2
Book ISBNs
978-1-349-32338-8, 978-0-230-29488-2

Sara Kalm, Kalm, Sara


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The data shown below were compiled from readership statistics for 25 Mendeley readers of this research output. Click here to see the associated Mendeley record.

Geographical breakdown

Country Count As %
Unknown 25 100%

Demographic breakdown

Readers by professional status Count As %
Student > Master 9 36%
Student > Ph. D. Student 6 24%
Student > Bachelor 3 12%
Professor 1 4%
Researcher 1 4%
Other 2 8%
Unknown 3 12%
Readers by discipline Count As %
Social Sciences 20 80%
Arts and Humanities 1 4%
Unknown 4 16%