Virtual conferencing has been a thing for at least 40 years—and we may need it now more than ever. Chapter 17 of this (free) book analyzes some history as well as quant. and qual. data: going virtual can be more accessible, inclusive, and sustainable (htt
'Right Research' will be a valuable resource for #educators and #researchers interested in developing and hybridizing their #scholarly #communication formats in the face of the current #climatecrisis. (9/9)
This book responds to a demand for #environmentally #sustainable #research. It's outstanding not only in its #interdisciplinarity but in its embrace of non-traditional formats, spanning #academic articles, creative acts, personal reflections & dialogue
'The book is current and #interdisciplinary [...] it will be a welcome contribution to studies of the #Anthropocene as well as studies of #research #methods and #practices.' —Sam Mickey, University of S. Francisco (2/6)