Hormone therapy for women with type 1 diabetes mellitus - reviewing the literature and overall it's a wash (but we need more data) https://t.co/5nuOdTaiuu
Hormone therapy for women with type 1 diabetes mellitus - reviewing the literature and overall it's a wash (but we need more data) https://t.co/5nuOdTaiuu
Dijabetes tipa 1 u žena i nadomjesna hormonska terapija: potrebno je više istraživanja http://t.co/8NOyEBYd6r
@Star_Anise_LADA @OurDiabetes Not much in the literature. This is our Cochrane review re HRT and menopause http://t.co/z4xpUxvTBo
Hormone replacement therapy for women with type 1 diabetes mellitus http://t.co/lZZ9LKo5zs No benefit from Cochrane reviews