How tree planting works in the climate change fight
The World,
Using trees as a cost-effective tool against climate change is more complicated than simply planting large numbers of them, an…
Using trees as a cost-effective tool against climate change is more complicated than simply planting large numbers of them, an…
Trees are allies in the struggle against climate change, and regrowing forests to capture carbon may be cheaper than we thought.
Trees are allies in the struggle against climate change, and regrowing forests to capture carbon may be cheaper than we thought.
2024-08-16 2024-07-24 カリフォルニア大学バークレー校(UCB) 新たな研究によると、再植林は、従来の予測よりも最大10倍の低コストでの炭素除去が可能であることが明らかになりました。この研究は、低・中所得国のプロジェクトから得られた実際の…