Springer Nature,
Did you know that Stonehenge’s Altar Stone is surprisingly Scottish? According to a new analysis published in Nature, about 4,500…
Did you know that Stonehenge’s Altar Stone is surprisingly Scottish? According to a new analysis published in Nature, about 4,500…
【巨石陣核心石材,從英國最北運到最南?】 🇬🇧 上週 Nature 期刊的封面,介紹一項驚人的考古研究:英國知名的巨石陣中,有石材源自遙遠的蘇格蘭。 如果這是正確的,意謂運輸距離至少有 750 公里遠!如此驚人的判斷有什麼證據,古代人又是怎麼長途運送,好…
【注目のハイライト】#考古学:#ストーンヘンジ の祭壇石はスコットランドを起源としているかもしれない https://www.natureasia.com/ja-jp/research/highlight/15000 A. Clarkeらによる #Natur…
A new study has revealed that one of Stonehenge’s central megaliths is not Welsh at all – it is actually Scottish. A…