very interesting, can we do this back through to the middle ages in other parts of the world I wonder? https://t.co/KiO6I8mlAZ
very interesting, can we do this back through to the middle ages in other parts of the world I wonder? https://t.co/KiO6I8mlAZ
Climate impacts on agricultural land use in the USA: the role of socio-economic scenarios https://t.co/37VghPLERW
CC: Climate impacts on agricultural land use in the USA: the role of socio-economic s... https://t.co/kXbpw3Efi5 https://t.co/e5gKXZdL2H
Climate impacts on agricultural land use in the USA: the role of socio-economic scenarios https://t.co/hhaLj0qoHx #climatechange