New guidelines helping stem the tide of serious allergies in Australian children, study finds
The rising rate at which Australian children are being admitted to hospital for serious food allergies has flattened since…
The rising rate at which Australian children are being admitted to hospital for serious food allergies has flattened since…
Research suggests greatest benefit of updated advice on introducing allergenic foods has been in one to four age group Follow…
December 21, 2021 4 min read ADD TOPIC TO EMAIL ALERTS Receive an email when new articles are posted on Please provide your…
© Shutterstock Есть «Вредные советы» детям. А есть, оказывается, вредные советы родителям.
Meeting Coverage > ACAAI Parents say their docs didn't make a point of recommending it NEW ORLEANS -- Although 2017 government-en…
I’m inclined to be anxious, or at least I used to be. Partially, this was a me problem.
1. Antiseptic mouthwash kills the probiotic biome of the mouth. You are an organism, and there are always good microorganisms…
Dear Readers, Food allergies are on the rise in the United States, and it is estimated that as many as 8% of children suffer…
Karolina Grabowska/Pexels SHARE This post has been updated. It was originally published on October 27, 2017.
April 16, 2021 -- When Lesley Solomon's son was 10 years old, he was standing in an unlucky spot on the playground when a…
When Lesley Solomon's son was 10 years old, he was standing in an unlucky spot on the playground when a schoolmate kicked over…
Meeting Coverage > AAAAI "Dramatic" decline in prevalence after feeding shift in Australia, study shows by Contributing Writer…
Systems in our body that protect us from toxic food may be involved in the dramatic rise in food allergies, say researchers…
Four leading baby food manufacturers sold baby food that contained high levels of toxic heavy metals, a congressional…
Four leading baby food manufacturers sold baby food that contained high levels of toxic heavy metals, according to internal…
Four leading baby food manufacturers sold baby food that contained high levels of toxic heavy metals, according to internal…
WhatsApp SMS Email Print Save Four leading baby food manufacturers sold baby food that contained high levels of toxic heavy…
Four leading baby food manufacturers sold baby food that contained high levels of toxic heavy metals, according to internal…
Four leading baby food manufacturers sold baby food that contained high levels of toxic heavy metals, according to internal…
Four leading baby food manufacturers sold baby food that contained high levels of toxic heavy metals, according to internal…
{{featured_button_text}} Four leading baby food manufacturers sold baby food that contained high levels of toxic heavy metals…
Internal documents from major baby food manufacturers show they tested and used ingredients with high levels of arsenic, lead…
It’s a myth that if you delay introducing allergenic foods, like peanuts, to your children you can protect them from getting…
More than 50 million Americans report having allergic reactions every year, according to data from the CDC.
TORONTO -- A new study suggests that ‘triple exposure’ to peanuts in newborn babies may reduce the risk of developing a peanut…
Meenal Lele took her son to the emergency room to be treated for a severe food allergy when he was 10 months old.
© Shutterstock Scrub and spray everything with chemicals, bathe in Purell, mask up, stand no nearer to anyone else than six feet…
Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The American Institute for Economic Research, Scrub and spray everything with chemicals, bathe…
Sunday Review|Quarantine May Negatively Affect Kids’ Immune Systems Keeping children masked and separated is necessary.
#left div.single div.thumb-gAd.gad-bottom-respon{width: 616px;} @media(max-width: 980px){ #left div.single div.content-gAd-bottom…
Peanut allergies—already one of the most common in children these days—are on the rise.
From Prevention Peanut allergies—already one of the most common in children these days—are on the rise.
Warning letters were issued to two companies in the space, Before Brands , which markets a line of products under the…
De markt voor gezonde gemaksvoeding en alternatieven voor kindersnoep groeit snel.
Hasta ahora se creía —y esa línea seguían las recomendaciones pediátricas— que antes de que un bebé cumpliera seis meses no había…
Gastroenterology > General Gastroenterology New findings from EAT contrast with primary analysis by Contributing Writer…
A theory known as the “old friends” hypothesis suggests that exposure to harmless microbes that have co-evolved with humans…
The coronavirus pandemic has come with a few silver linings. The clear winner for me has been the delightful dearth of snot: My…
The coronavirus pandemic has come with a few silver linings. The clear winner for me has been the delightful dearth of snot: My…
Why exposure to other germy kids might matter. The coronavirus pandemic has come with a few silver linings.
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Although most pediatricians are aware of guidelines for the prevention of peanut allergies in…
The best way to prevent food allergies is to introduce the most common allergenic foods to babies early in life, as research…
The best way to prevent food allergies is to introduce the most common allergenic foods to babies early in life, as.
– By Maude Perreault, Registered dietitian and Research Associate, McMaster University The best way to prevent food allergies…
The best way to prevent food allergies is to introduce the most common allergenic foods to babies early in life, as research…
Data indicate that peanut allergy is a growing epidemic, with a current prevalence of 2.2%, up from 0.8% in the early 2000s.
This guide was originally published on Aug. 9, 2019 in NYT Parenting. For kids and their families, food allergies change…
While many of today's top baby food companies are touting "allergen-free," Square Baby is doing the opposite and leaning into…
/PRNewswire/ -- Today, Square Baby announces the launch of two new Square Meals, "Coconut Shrimp Fried Rice" and "Almond Butter
, /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Square Baby announces the launch of two new Square Meals, "Coconut Shrimp Fried Rice" and "Almond…
/PRNewswire/ -- Today, Square Baby announces the launch of two new Square Meals, "Coconut Shrimp Fried Rice" and "Almond Butter
/PRNewswire/ -- Today, Square Baby announces the launch of two new Square Meals, "Coconut Shrimp Fried Rice" and "Almond Butter
Helping prevent food allergies before they start ORINDA, Calif., March 11, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Square Baby announces…
/ / -- Today, Square Baby announces the launch of two new Square Meals, "Coconut Shrimp Fried Rice" and "Almond Butter
Square Baby: The Only Baby Food Offering All "Top 8 Allergens" Helping prevent food allergies before they start PR Newswire…
Helping prevent food allergies before they start ORINDA, Calif., March 11, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Square Baby announces…
. Nov 12 · 18 min read Imagine not being able to enjoy a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (or even be around people who are…
Imagine not being able to enjoy a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (or even be around people who are eating one).
Laden... Zoe ist ein gutes Jahr alt, als sie beim Besuch des Urgroßvaters unbemerkt ein paar Erdnüsse ergattert.
A new biologic drug to treat a peanut allergy, known as Palforzia, cleared a regulatory hurdle on September 13, when an…
A new biologic drug to treat a peanut allergy, known as Palforzia, cleared a regulatory hurdle on September 13, when an…
Die deutsche Leitlinie zur Allergieprävention ist seit August 2019 abgelaufen und wird derzeit überarbeitet.
By Cosby Stone August 17 at 11:00 AM Many people wonder whether our society’s desire for cleanliness may have gone too far and…
Whenever I am asked what I do for a living, the phrase “I’m an allergist” is almost immediately followed by “So, where are all…
Whenever I am asked what I do for a living, the phrase “I’m an allergist” is almost immediately followed by “So, where are all…
Whenever I am asked what I do for a residing, the phrase "I'm an allergist" is almost immediately followed via "So, wherein are…
The ingredient still isn’t required to be on food labels. Share on PinterestSesame seeds aren’t required to be listed on food…
Our overuse of antibiotics and C-sections affects the set of organisms called the microbiome that an infant is exposed to…
The ingredient still isn’t required to be on food labels. Share on Pinterest Sesame seeds aren’t required to be listed on food…
The ingredient still isn’t required to be on food labels. Share on Pinterest Sesame allergy is more common than most people may…
Whenever I am asked what I do for a living, the phrase “I’m an allergist” is almost immediately followed by “So, ?” Maybe I’ll…
Whenever I am asked what I do for a living, the phrase "I'm an allergist" is almost immediately followed by "So, where are all…
Post sponsored by Source: The Conversation – USA – By Cosby Stone, Instructor in Allergy/Immunology, Vanderbilt…
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Cosby Stone…
Whenever I am asked what I do for a living, the phrase “I’m an allergist” is almost immediately followed by “So, where are all…
A recent report has summarized current knowledge regarding the early introduction of peanuts to infants to lower their risk of…
Share on PinterestIntroducing infants to peanut products can help decrease their risk of developing a food allergy.
Share on Pinterest Introducing infants to peanut products can help decrease their risk of developing a food allergy.
Few things are more subject to change and passing fancies than dietary advice. And that can be true even when the advice comes…
View all in one page1 of 14 Credit () A few foods account for the majority of food allergies.
More than 50 million Americans suffer from allergies of one kind or another -- making this the sixth leading cause of chronic…
Numerous studies have implicated Staphylococcus aureus in the development of eczema.
More than 50 million Americans suffer from allergies of one kind or another -- making this the sixth leading cause of chronic…
More than 50 million Americans suffer from allergies of one kind or another – making this the sixth leading cause of chronic…
Opinion: Parents should introduce peanut foods as early as 4 to 6 months, depending on risk.
Американская академия педиатрии (American Academy of Pediatrics) опубликовала обновленное руководство по профилактике пищевой алл…
Американская академия педиатрии (American Academy of Pediatrics), основываясь на подробном обзоре всех имеющихся данных по этой т…
SAN FRANCISCO – Children diagnosed with atopic dermatitis when they were 1 year old were significantly more likely to have…
Watch: A 2016 study found giving babies peanuts could reduce their chances of developing an allergy.
Les experts sont unanimes: pour éviter les allergies, il vaut mieux introduire les aliments allergènes tôt dans la vie des…
David Stukus, MD David Stukus, MD is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Allergy and Immunology at…
If approved, a new treatment for peanut allergy may enable kids to eat small amounts of peanuts without a severe allergic…
Jay A. Lieberman, MD Peanut allergy is one of the most common food allergies in children, with a prevalence that has been…
H. Eric Cannon, PharmD, FAMCP The prevalence of peanut allergies, the most common food allergy in children, has tripled in the…
In Israel, a snack called Bamba is credited for a dramatically lower rate of peanut allergy among children.The morsels of…