@JeanFind @NeilMackay Not only is there no evidence that self-identification laws harm women or children, there is ample evidence that they do not: [1] - https://t.co/RVd6AAdTn9 [2] - https://t.co/055lQCs1G3 [3] - https://t.co/37WxgkXuZM
@michaelpforan @MechaniVal As Shape points out here - https://t.co/TubH6GDmtS if that interpretation were true, there would be extremely few circumstances where the gender reassignment protections were actually practically useable.
Reams & reams of evidence yet the ostriches still insist...
Section 35 #tory hate project will be repealed as Section 28 was. Petition the removal of pernicious step from #tories Read peer reviewed article by legal expert on the fallacy that Trans persons cause harm to women/children: https://t.co/eUtEouo98j #Trans
There is scant evidence that #gender transition causes harm to women and children. In fact, quite the opposite. Studies show that there is no more harm caused: https://t.co/eUtEouoGXR Peer reviewed article by a legal expert #TransRightsAreHumanRights
@SapphicSulky Trans women pose very little threat to cis women. https://t.co/iK6oJM1RGv
"No increase in crimes against Women" no doubt you got that little gem from the Flat World ,Women can have dicks & Eddie is a Woman Box of insanity but on the plus side last nights Woman Hating display has shown to the world the depths of your depravit
@XPreying @ScotFinlayson @ChrisMusson @FOWingsScot Here you go babes; https://t.co/RrLB16mxxO https://t.co/tt68pIcrGa https://t.co/JnBczwJ67v Self-id is already the law in so many countries, including Argentina, Brazil, Ireland, New Zealand, Pakistan, Den
@PaulJSweeney Disgusting comments by transphobes as usual, countries with existing self-id laws have not seen increases in crimes against women. But this will greatly improve the lives of transgender people. https://t.co/E7xDs9JeGq
RT @AlexSharpe64: Will Gender Self‐Declaration Undermine Women's Rights and Lead to an Increase in Harms? - NO Professor Alex Sharpe - 202…
RT @AlexSharpe64: Will Gender Self‐Declaration Undermine Women's Rights and Lead to an Increase in Harms? - NO Professor Alex Sharpe - 202…
RT @AlexSharpe64: Will Gender Self‐Declaration Undermine Women's Rights and Lead to an Increase in Harms? - NO Professor Alex Sharpe - 202…
RT @AlexSharpe64: Will Gender Self‐Declaration Undermine Women's Rights and Lead to an Increase in Harms? - NO Professor Alex Sharpe - 202…
RT @AlexSharpe64: Will Gender Self‐Declaration Undermine Women's Rights and Lead to an Increase in Harms? - NO Professor Alex Sharpe - 202…
RT @AlexSharpe64: Will Gender Self‐Declaration Undermine Women's Rights and Lead to an Increase in Harms? - NO Professor Alex Sharpe - 202…
RT @AlexSharpe64: Will Gender Self‐Declaration Undermine Women's Rights and Lead to an Increase in Harms? - NO Professor Alex Sharpe - 202…
RT @AlexSharpe64: Will Gender Self‐Declaration Undermine Women's Rights and Lead to an Increase in Harms? - NO Professor Alex Sharpe - 202…
RT @AlexSharpe64: Will Gender Self‐Declaration Undermine Women's Rights and Lead to an Increase in Harms? - NO Professor Alex Sharpe - 202…
RT @AlexSharpe64: Will Gender Self‐Declaration Undermine Women's Rights and Lead to an Increase in Harms? - NO Professor Alex Sharpe - 202…
Will Gender Self‐Declaration Undermine Women's Rights and Lead to an Increase in Harms? - NO Professor Alex Sharpe - 2020 - The Modern Law Review - Wiley Online Library https://t.co/kpPvkzKhmQ
@Tea94852859 @Laspaa1 @SannaHellstrom Tämä oli myös mainittu sielä, piti vaan vähän googletella luettavaa versiota: https://t.co/iEcTaE7dZn
@CallingallDucks @Super_Ramel @nahtanoj1971 @billybragg Whereas I do research by clicking through things 17 times until I find an actual study, for example "Will Gender Self-Declaration Undermine Women's Rights and Lead to an Increase in Harms?" The answe
@Green_JohnCoyne @MetroOpinion I think this is an important piece https://t.co/geoHxvy8Fg
RT @Miroandrej: @katapher Ähnlich Alex Sharp, trans Jura-Prof., redet von "trans women" und "non-trans women. "Frauen" als eigenständigen B…
@katapher Ähnlich Alex Sharp, trans Jura-Prof., redet von "trans women" und "non-trans women. "Frauen" als eigenständigen Begriff gibt es wohl nicht mehr. https://t.co/ujDqQ9SKxZ
@realXXwoman @GypsyGenome @LogicalFallacy6 @S_U_A_R @Talwynsilverha1 @DanTheo12 @ZeDingo @atangibletruth @tgolnoft @AlexBlackHole @KatyMontgomerie @EHRC You're gonna need a citation that she's a misogynist. But okay, here's more: https://t.co/uDUE7Jz6aL
@swedenised @LBC @_NatashaDevon https://t.co/ImSGBIj7bK Also you should really read this one made by an actual law professor, they're angry because they hate trans people, nothing more
https://t.co/XDOeCDW5a4 Great reading by @AlexSharpe64 dismantling talking points by TERFs regarding trans women in prisons
@joannelo72 @seedsgirl Because I don't engage with bad faith bigots, I stick with facts. See here: https://t.co/TjGb7Ohyb0 And here: https://t.co/h4Vxsk2657
@joannelo72 @seedsgirl I don't because I trust the facts, not scaremongering. See: https://t.co/h4Vxsk2657 And: https://t.co/oLXu1R7Idm And: https://t.co/bis7l4mS8L And: https://t.co/lsHSXhE93b
@GorinMoti @devlinkai @jasonintrator Was it this? https://t.co/LAsurJ87Bx
RT @Pollik: @dianevk @Treecraft_Arb @TRF_Stories I checked that thread. She doesn't produce any evidence to support her claim, so it is hea…
@seatrout I'm not an expert, but I think this is a common misunderstanding of the law. Self-ID (which already exists in many countries) will not substantively change the access of trans women to women's prisons. @AlexSharpe64 (who IS an expert 😊 ) wrote ab
@StephanieJaneG6 @KatyMontgomerie Ooooooh. Ugh. If you want a couple of links to throw their way to make them apoplectic: https://t.co/tQNceJyvea https://t.co/EcCBzCipoG These are studies into how it doesn't affect cis women at all :)
RT @GellmanRebecca: @ALLIANCELGB @Keir_Starmer Or, for a more truthful take, GRA reform doesn't affect anyone except trans people: https:/…
RT @GellmanRebecca: @ALLIANCELGB @Keir_Starmer Or, for a more truthful take, GRA reform doesn't affect anyone except trans people: https:/…
RT @GellmanRebecca: @ALLIANCELGB @Keir_Starmer Or, for a more truthful take, GRA reform doesn't affect anyone except trans people: https:/…
@ALLIANCELGB @Keir_Starmer Or, for a more truthful take, GRA reform doesn't affect anyone except trans people: https://t.co/tQNceJyvea https://t.co/EcCBzCipoG
RT @AlexSharpe64: NOW open access: Will Gender Self Declaration Undermine Women's Rights and Lead to an Increase in Harm? out now in the M…
@julesMcBot The existence of trans people don't erase your rights. https://t.co/h4Vxsk2657
RT @AlexSharpe64: Will Gender Self Declaration Undermine Women's Rights and Lead to an Increase in Harm? out now in the Modern Law Review (…
Congratulations to @AlexSharpe64 for their article making @altmetric Top 100 articles of 2020 on an important topic: trans inclusion. Click here to read the article: https://t.co/lbv8ceNJr7 https://t.co/64vQpnPh4y
RT @HarryJosieGiles: For very good and qualified academic work on trans law in the UK, have a look at Alex Sharpe's work (https://t.co/B8OB…
@scouseweegian I'd recommend @AlexSharpe64, she's already written a paper related to the issue here: https://t.co/h4Vxsk2657
@MsGiveZeroFox @SakuraNoSeirei @SecondInternat1 @C_a_rolin_e @truesolicitor @genderskeptic @QuaSemiote @legalfeminist Alex Sharpe in Modern Law Review cites Croft, noting that it is pre-EqA, but does not say that it is not good law, indeed uses it to try t
Trans women on HRT are males on HRT. Here is a view shared by a trans woman.... https://t.co/Xv13Vnvuxz
@ALewanewsky Trans women on HRT are biologically female https://t.co/ajeKKwqyOi There isn't any problems with self id ive been able to find A 3rd space would lead to societal othering which would lead to increased discrimination of trans people As well
RT @StoatlyL: What? You want a debate now? After threatening. harassing and attacking women? After getting them sacked or not commissione…
@ClassiestBuu @robjessel @sexbasedrights Not to mention all the counties who have had self id with no issue... https://t.co/sKQhqmeAI3 And all the studys that have been done proving there will be no harm done... Its a complete non issue and no ground's f
@xerxes5th @stovies5 @SofonisbaAngui7 1) I'm not talking about men, I'm talking about trans people entering spaces aligned with their gender, which they already do right now. 2) This does not undermine women's rights: https://t.co/uDUE7JQHzl
@stovies5 @SofonisbaAngui7 @xerxes5th Have you considered that GRA reform should be debated on its merits, and not just based on public opinion? Let's bring back the death penalty on that basis then. Agree on the last point, so we should be less distracte
Actually, they’re not. Alex may not want people questioning the GRA reforms too much but they did & have written why they’re bad for women’s rights https://t.co/AGpXkiOgpd @NicolaSturgeon @ChristinaSNP @S_A_Somerville
@DavidPaisley In that regard it would be helpful, David, if you could recirculate my article in the Modern Law Review, which shows the arguments relied on to derail reform, to be false. https://t.co/RKrj0TA1sn
@VictoriaPeckham @ALLIANCELGB GRA reform would NOT have swept away ‘hard won rights’ - it would have had NO appreciable impact on the Equality Act where trans women’s right to access women-only spaces remains the law, subject to limited exceptions. https
RT @AlexSharpe64: As Boris appears to be on the verge of selling out trans ppl, let us remember that the claims that have derailed GRA law…
RT @AlexSharpe64: As Boris appears to be on the verge of selling out trans ppl, let us remember that the claims that have derailed GRA law…
RT @AlexSharpe64: As Boris appears to be on the verge of selling out trans ppl, let us remember that the claims that have derailed GRA law…
As Boris appears to be on the verge of selling out trans ppl, let us remember that the claims that have derailed GRA law reform are bogus. https://t.co/RKrj0TA1sn
@maidensblade And while we’re at it let’s stop the fear of trans women in particular. Spread this peer reviewed, well researched article: https://t.co/eUtEouo98j 👊🏽🌈✊🏻🖤
@ManduReid Answer is ‘No’ https://t.co/RKrj0TA1sn
Worth a reminder that as @jk_rowling’s TERFness goes into overdrive some people deal in facts and statistics (leave Rowling to fiction writing 🤣) https://t.co/eUtEouo98j A peer reviewed article by an expert on law, published in a respected journal #TransRi
@AuntieTerf As for the spaces it has been Proven with peer reviewed studys that allowing trans people to go where they identify (which may i add has already been happening for decades) Has no effect on the wellbeing of non trans people https://t.co/sKQhqme
@Bronze_Pin @Lola_TC @quollhorreur @QuinntoBean https://t.co/sKQhqmeAI3 What's this👀 another one https://t.co/Qhb6XiKEbE
@HumanGayMale @MirriamWebster i do believe someone can change sex enough to matter and in the future as science advances, we will be able to change sex completely i have many sources on how people wont take advantage of self ID heres a peer-reviewed sci
@helenejohnston @eunarthabossamy @GothPrincess21 @Chris_Hubris The impacts of increased rights for trans people on the rights of women has been well-studied in a variety of fields, in a variety of countries with practical experience , and the conclusion is
@lilly_arc @AudreyyOwO @CritFacts @salltweets https://t.co/sKQhqmeAI3 id give this a read if i were you
RT @Henriettaspoon: @ts_riri @mimmymum @RowlesDavis @Nigella_Lawson The research has been done, it’s been peer reviewed and it’s open acces…
RT @Henriettaspoon: @ts_riri @mimmymum @RowlesDavis @Nigella_Lawson The research has been done, it’s been peer reviewed and it’s open acces…
@anyabike @Nigella_Lawson Some facts in here Anya, if you can be bothered to actually read it:- https://t.co/og8R9hCOy6
RT @Henriettaspoon: @ts_riri @mimmymum @RowlesDavis @Nigella_Lawson The research has been done, it’s been peer reviewed and it’s open acces…
RT @Henriettaspoon: @ts_riri @mimmymum @RowlesDavis @Nigella_Lawson The research has been done, it’s been peer reviewed and it’s open acces…
RT @Henriettaspoon: @ts_riri @mimmymum @RowlesDavis @Nigella_Lawson The research has been done, it’s been peer reviewed and it’s open acces…
@AlessandraAster @youkeiraatsix @HairyLeggdHarpy @Ryan63879827 @CantoDePandora @Sam_Borley @JustMehere2019 Why didn't you want people to see the original article yours is attempting to rebut? https://t.co/8OkyMdv40U
RT @Henriettaspoon: @ts_riri @mimmymum @RowlesDavis @Nigella_Lawson The research has been done, it’s been peer reviewed and it’s open acces…
RT @Henriettaspoon: @ts_riri @mimmymum @RowlesDavis @Nigella_Lawson The research has been done, it’s been peer reviewed and it’s open acces…
@arthurfaeleith @Jamie_McDiarmid @homelesshorse "anti-homosexual" PAHAHAHAHAHAHA...you really don't know me, do you? 😂 When you understand public policy, grown up stuff which might be hard for you to comprehend, do get back to me: https://t.co/uDUE7JQHz
RT @AlexSharpe64: NOW open access: Will Gender Self Declaration Undermine Women's Rights and Lead to an Increase in Harm? out now in the M…
RT @AlexSharpe64: NOW open access: Will Gender Self Declaration Undermine Women's Rights and Lead to an Increase in Harm? out now in the M…
RT @AlexSharpe64: There’s ‘blogs’ and there’s ‘journo’ writing. But if you prefer a different genre: properly researched & peer-reviewed le…
RT @AlexSharpe64: There’s ‘blogs’ and there’s ‘journo’ writing. But if you prefer a different genre: properly researched & peer-reviewed le…
@Jonnybasscadet @MalcJo @AngryScotland We're talking about the process of obtaining a GRC, which is currently too lengthy and does not meet today's understanding of sex/gender. A better description can be found here: https://t.co/uDUE7JQHzl