Continuous erythropoiesis receptor activator (CERA) for the anaemia of chronic kidney disease - Saglimbene, VM - 2017 | Cochrane Library https://t.co/9uzxDuvYbs
Continuous erythropoiesis receptor activator (CERA) for the anaemia of chronic kidney disease - Saglimbene, VM - 2017 | Cochrane Library https://t.co/9uzxDuvYbs
RT @CochraneKidney: Continuous erythropoiesis receptor activator for the anaemia of CKD https://t.co/fIrKU54mVi https://t.co/o3g3b05FWM
Another example of why CKD is a hopeless term and should be changed? https://t.co/exvf8tThBN
#Cochrane_Publica #Rev_Sist Metoxi-PEG-epoetina beta #CERA en #anemia en #Enfermedad_renal_crónica https://t.co/BGjXV6FAZ2 @SENefrologia