@RichardDawkins @HJoyceGender But maybe now, suddenly, humans are special and different from animals. If you think it's a social contagion, you know that's based on this, right? https://t.co/NtmBCb7iIC If you read that and think this ISN'T even worse shl
RT @SwipeWright: FYI, here is a section from @LisaLittman1's paper on rapid onset gender dysphoria (ROGD) where "social contagion" dynamics…
@ConNor1388859 @BlanchardPhD @amyalkon LIttman's original ROGD study was not "completely retracted" Oh look here it is, not retracted. There is a correction. https://t.co/NpdM6VLw1Y
RT @benryanwriter: @LisaLittman1 published her first paper on the theoretical phenomenon “rapid-onset gender dysphoria” in 2018, igniting a…
RT @genspect: 🧵1/9 Today is #ROGDAwarenessDay! Five years ago today, @lisalittman's groundbreaking, peer-reviewed study, Parent reports of…
RT @RESIquebec: Il y a 6 ans était publié l’article de Lisa Littman proposant le diagnostic de « dysphorie de genre à apparition rapide » (…
RT @RESIquebec: Il y a 6 ans était publié l’article de Lisa Littman proposant le diagnostic de « dysphorie de genre à apparition rapide » (…
RT @RESIquebec: Il y a 6 ans était publié l’article de Lisa Littman proposant le diagnostic de « dysphorie de genre à apparition rapide » (…
RT @RESIquebec: Il y a 6 ans était publié l’article de Lisa Littman proposant le diagnostic de « dysphorie de genre à apparition rapide » (…
RT @RESIquebec: Il y a 6 ans était publié l’article de Lisa Littman proposant le diagnostic de « dysphorie de genre à apparition rapide » (…
RT @RESIquebec: Il y a 6 ans était publié l’article de Lisa Littman proposant le diagnostic de « dysphorie de genre à apparition rapide » (…
RT @RESIquebec: Il y a 6 ans était publié l’article de Lisa Littman proposant le diagnostic de « dysphorie de genre à apparition rapide » (…
Il y a 6 ans était publié l’article de Lisa Littman proposant le diagnostic de « dysphorie de genre à apparition rapide » (DGAR). Depuis, les témoignages de parents et de détransitionneurs valident de plus en plus sa pertinence. https://t.co/UyuRKvsoQj #RO
RT @prof_curiosity1: So how does SLT apply to Littman's theories around ROGD? It is worth reading Littman's short paper to understand her i…
@Wynsickle @JoeyCaresNot @ErinInTheMorn A bit of intellectual curiosity might have prevented the nitwit from demonstrating his critical thinking failures: Original article: https://t.co/jiQh3Smhws Correction: https://t.co/9pNu4RXl3j There is also an apolog
これは燃えるよなあ😇 https://t.co/BLf92MQQBu
@Staroxvia @fakechuck We can all read the original Littman paper and see you are wrong. https://t.co/D3BX7SbeYa
@littlebluena (Didn't even say it, but trans care doesn't actually lead to much of a decrease in suicidal ideation.) Sources: https://t.co/7TD7BXg9aJ https://t.co/wg0QzWHPQQ https://t.co/ZsbnDfWdCB https://t.co/PJFjYWudD1 https://t.co/hJR7QpfcTk https://t.
RT @mendaracoll: Lisa Littman intentó indagar en las causas. Hizo un estudio muy preliminar, una encuesta a padres de menores trans. Propus…
RT @mendaracoll: Lisa Littman intentó indagar en las causas. Hizo un estudio muy preliminar, una encuesta a padres de menores trans. Propus…
@Ghillie_Guide @ResurrectSkulls @MelonieMac @brrybliss Here's the study that the video is about. It's got all the colorful charts and graphs and jargon you want. Knock yourself out for the next 5 hours. I prefer brevity and clarity https://t.co/P1u1thf6sh
RT @benryanwriter: The centerpiece of Hobbes' takedown is Lisa Littman's highly controversial 2018 paper on rapid-onset gender dysphoria, w…
RT @benryanwriter: The centerpiece of Hobbes' takedown is Lisa Littman's highly controversial 2018 paper on rapid-onset gender dysphoria, w…
RT @benryanwriter: The centerpiece of Hobbes' takedown is Lisa Littman's highly controversial 2018 paper on rapid-onset gender dysphoria, w…
RT @benryanwriter: The centerpiece of Hobbes' takedown is Lisa Littman's highly controversial 2018 paper on rapid-onset gender dysphoria, w…
RT @benryanwriter: The centerpiece of Hobbes' takedown is Lisa Littman's highly controversial 2018 paper on rapid-onset gender dysphoria, w…
「ホッブズ批判の中心は、リサ・リットマンが2018年に発表した、急速に発症する性別違和に関する非常に物議を醸した論文だ。性別違和は、いまだに議論の的となっている理論的な心理学的・社会的現象である。」 この後いくつか略。
The centerpiece of Hobbes' takedown is Lisa Littman's highly controversial 2018 paper on rapid-onset gender dysphoria, which remains a contested theoretical psychological and social phenomenon. https://t.co/XcegazVV84
@CalicoCats109 @MarkLoosmore @Your_mums_aTerf @kathmurray1 “To maximize the chances of finding cases meeting eligibility criteria, the three websites (4thwavenow, transgender trend, and youthtranscriticalprofessionals) were selected for targeted recruitmen
@greggitamahayfa @BillyJense50770 @draws_bug98965 @Butch30586594 @LilTaybepoppin https://t.co/loyn3WvE1D here’s another beauty Again, I don’t have to hold your hand and explain you how the current social and cultural environment can easily influence chil
@gideonmack @BobWhencer @gizmomis @SianHerfield @garbagealt12 @Machooo @Lennaraudt Littman has not been retracted. https://t.co/D3BX7SaH8C
@Maarva_Andor @jk_rowling I'm curious what article about ROGD from 2003 you're referencing? I believe "ROGD" was coined by Lisa Littman in her Aug 2018 article in PLOS, which has not been retracted but was corrected in March 2019. https://t.co/NpdM6VKYcq
@AirDhatu Yes, that was the finding of Littman's study in 2018. That was the ONLY study into this. Why? Because TRAs have blocked any such studies. One wonders what they're afraid of. https://t.co/WzGJTQZNoe
@No7Sammy @maggie48766499 The part where she was told to lie by people online telling her to "crack her egg," then telling her what to say to therapists to get the results they told her she wanted. https://t.co/J3KEkj41fa
@fartasia1980 @legaltweetz @jk_rowling Also this Parents describe that the onset of gender dysphoria seemed to occur in the context of belonging to a peer group where one, multiple, or even all of the friends have become gender dysphoric and transgender-id
@ijbailey @LastBehaviorist Lisa Littman is a researcher who did a survey of parents on anti-trans websites. Here's a link to the paper that resulted: https://t.co/llyw6kA4FN
@BanPods_ @FrogeLole @reallyNot_Dylan @xqcreviews Links in order of hyperlinks shown: https://t.co/4wByKMdFQi https://t.co/c5iyImYpKI https://t.co/avjqUTR1ta The whole "a child can't possibly understand their gender" is bs, equally up until puberty, it's j
@Byronius4thOrdr @jessesingal @SamSeder There’s certainly a significant amount of research to support the hypothesis https://t.co/lgm7yhoNun https://t.co/sR1Y3oB8pJ https://t.co/7MHJqXbNe7 https://t.co/V5x0wX2k7G https://t.co/p3SunrHeSQ
@lecanardnoir @MechaniVal “The posts she chose paint a picture of the online trans community being toxic and even cultish, as though they're pushing young people to make their transgender identity more important than anything else” (2/2) https://t.co/Ala
RT @lindahart_intl: @Broaddict2 @TTuppurainen @lacroicsz @HormoneHangover Tieteestä kiinnostuneille: Littmanin tutkimusartikkeli 2018: htt…
@stillgray @LadyJustice4512 What is known as Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD). https://t.co/lBSJoNncXP https://t.co/bpg4ODpI5T
@GBBranstetter @JonHaidt's primary source for "clusters of gender dysphoria" is this study run by the org 4thWaveNow, an openly anti-trans organization. Dare I say their study might be a tad biased? https://t.co/gNu6DstTr6
@jazzscribe @tage_rai @JonHaidt This is the study @JonHaidt references when discussing "clusters." Notice the sources 1-4 are all from an org called 4thWaveNow. https://t.co/1O76vM3QCH
@tage_rai There is evidence for this. It's just that there's not much of it for a variety of reasons. Eg., high drop-out rates, and few psychs are familiar with the math of network effects. The research can only be qualitative/quasi-experimental. https://
@jessesingal @HottTakez4Free @tage_rai @JonHaidt The Littman 2018 study, https://t.co/HWGZ88hBBn
@tage_rai Haidt was likely referencing Ki’s Littman 2018 study, https://t.co/M341Byfd8G
@DickDozer69 @ZaidJilani yes, you're talking about: Lisa Littman, Parent reports of adolescents and young adults perceived to show signs of a rapid onset of gender dysphoria https://t.co/dEYtCmO8Tk And please be careful to distinguish the identitarian-l
@ZaidJilani @ZaidJilani : as for the assertions about the role of social contagion in young girls gender identity, you should read Dr. Littman: https://t.co/dEYtCmO8Tk and the Diaz-Bailey paper: https://t.co/D6MJzTuwkT before passing judgement.
@ZaidJilani Where is the research grant money to study social contagion and the transgender wave? Anyone who tried to disburse such funding would face threats. Lisa Littman published a paper and trans activists have now targeted her career and life. http
@ZaidJilani @jessesingal That's not what he says and here's a a paper on onseting of gender dysphoria https://t.co/7fba8mpfN2
@tage_rai @JonHaidt I stand corrected. The organizations responsible for the cited study appear to be anti-trans and only surveyed parents of children they thought would fit the criteria... incredibly bias to say the least. https://t.co/1O76vM3QCH
@RealSaavedra As much as I respect @JonHaidt and tackling the broader issue of social media's influence on girls, looking into the data on his point of clusters and "rapid-onset gender dysphoria" is not compelling. A child of the "4thWaveNow" and other ant
@lluaces I will say, the sources used for this "rapid onset gender dysphoria" study that Haidt cites is from a group called "4thWaveNow" and looks to be incredibly bias. https://t.co/1O76vM3QCH
RT @anethum_dylla: @_CryMiaRiver @JonHaidt 2018 to be exact. Lisa Littman sent out a warning in 2018 and her words were drowned out by outr…
@CJFerguson1111 They're terrified because they will almost certainly be stigmatized. See the case of Lisa Littman, whose paper on rapid onset gender dysphoria was targeted by activists. Despite their efforts, the paper was only lightly amended. https://t.c
@BillAckman https://t.co/kqaAyNOqPM This preliminary paper really kicked off this area of study. Got extreme political backlash to pull it. Not on its merits but its content
@JaimePretellEsq @CJFerguson1111 Do you mean ROGD or the link with social media? https://t.co/3VSBKj2FNS
RT @anethum_dylla: @_CryMiaRiver @JonHaidt 2018 to be exact. Lisa Littman sent out a warning in 2018 and her words were drowned out by outr…
RT @anethum_dylla: @_CryMiaRiver @JonHaidt 2018 to be exact. Lisa Littman sent out a warning in 2018 and her words were drowned out by outr…
RT @anethum_dylla: @_CryMiaRiver @JonHaidt 2018 to be exact. Lisa Littman sent out a warning in 2018 and her words were drowned out by outr…
@_CryMiaRiver @JonHaidt 2018 to be exact. Lisa Littman sent out a warning in 2018 and her words were drowned out by outrage. 6 years later it is 100 times worse. https://t.co/EMlKS09pR8
@harukizuui @kichikulingus @ZSGTE Погнали по статям раз так: https://t.co/4A4ClETQY7 https://t.co/1TCDS5923P https://t.co/mdY636xRVt И немного про то как трансятина *не стирает лесбиянок* : https://t.co/MihxhwiWT9 Это просто первые из списка
RT @lindahart_intl: @Broaddict2 @TTuppurainen @lacroicsz @HormoneHangover Tieteestä kiinnostuneille: Littmanin tutkimusartikkeli 2018: htt…
@GabrielleJBauer @davidcaryhart @AriDrennen @assignedmedia There was no retraction. The paper is here. The journal stands by it. https://t.co/RWV5neL4nH
@davidcaryhart @AriDrennen @assignedmedia If the article was debunked it would have been retracted. It has not been retracted. The correction did not change any of the conclusions. https://t.co/RWV5neL4nH
RT @redindomitable: O en Inglaterra un 4000% https://t.co/zZ0W5OB8QQ
@sparerickypanda @stephenwhittle there is no such thing as a social contagion, you filthy animals tried to prove it and had to write a 4000 word retraction saying there is no social contagion or "rapid onset dysphoria" among children, your study had to ad
RT @hogotheforsaken: @stephenpaton134 This is simply not true Stephen. The Littmann ROGD study was taken down under pressure from trans ac…
@EvaPlopp @wir_sching hier nur kurz
@OliviaReviews @Geeeeeeesuss @mustanggx @Mangosm00thi @PunishedAG Here you go: https://t.co/EgDoiVpIjR From Brown University.
@AdamosZenia @Petersbrooking @CloverSevenLeaf @nicqolis @DanniBrener I’m lesbian. Homosexuality and transgenderism are not the same. “Gender affirming care” is a form of conversion therapy. https://t.co/aKmWxcWaT3 https://t.co/nyaAWBuLzm
@CharmandAznable @minator_sher No todos son Laje, hay gente realmente que ha probado esto, eres bastante reduccionista. Aquí tienes un artículo sobre disforia de género de aparición rápida (ROGD) donde se proponen y discuten dinámicas de "contagio social"
@ISwaggins @RBottowski @LordAslanThe2nd Right... Okay, let's start with Littman. https://t.co/JwsMxCMFuX Studying rapid-onset dysphoria by studying... not the patients, but a non-random opt-in survey of parents of transgender kids, selected only from ant
RT @epistemophagy: @FinancialReview @nytimes The words "tween and teenage girls" link to this article by Lisa Littman ... https://t.co/6TSK…
RT @epistemophagy: @FinancialReview @nytimes The words "tween and teenage girls" link to this article by Lisa Littman ... https://t.co/6TSK…
RT @epistemophagy: @FinancialReview @nytimes The words "tween and teenage girls" link to this article by Lisa Littman ... https://t.co/6TSK…
@mahilena @jerryfuhrman22 @AnnaForFlorida Educate yourself, https://t.co/UbjcddQyS1
@FinancialReview @nytimes The words "tween and teenage girls" link to this article by Lisa Littman ... https://t.co/6TSK64EpvB
@YoungestReeve @sally_hines @stellaomalley3 And no probs https://t.co/M0hBP3xAaY
@gm_skeptic As a fellow sceptic I’m sure you’d like to edit your list in light of the evidence. https://t.co/9i6kW1Imd1
RT @lindahart_intl: @Regiomontanus3 @LeorSapir @onedonebun It was not retracted. It went through a second peer review and minor changes. h…
@Regiomontanus3 @LeorSapir @onedonebun It was not retracted. It went through a second peer review and minor changes. https://t.co/qVqrRpkWP4
@ValoisDuBins @LeorSapir Be more specific within the context of the descriptive, exploratory research that is credited with coining the term. https://t.co/EQ3V2VEwsC
@Ayerlynd @a_darkcorner @Jayde8700 @5RandomName5 Funny how that works. Poof, no longer an issue huh? Definitely not politically motivated, despite massive amounts of issues with telling delusional people to believe their delusions. https://t.co/TlDmiMmfp