6 Foolproof Tips to Help You Spot Online Manipulation
Psychology Today,
How do you know whether you are being manipulated online? Research shows there are six foolproof ways to spot manipulation.
How do you know whether you are being manipulated online? Research shows there are six foolproof ways to spot manipulation.
The propaganda accompanying Russia's Ukraine invasion is just another example of weaponizing disinformation to sow division and…
In this post, we focus on vaccine safety; some of the reasons people are hesitant to get vaccinated; the difference between…
By Ana Santos…
Di fronte a un post che sostiene che Bill Gates ha creato il coronavirus per dimezzare la popolazione mondiale si può reagire…
It is likely no surprise that misinformation and disinformation permeate the communication space around public health events.
Kremlin believed to be fuelling social media efforts to stoke paranoia. Experts warn that Russia is exploiting the recent…
Los datos son de Estados Unidos. Antes de las vacunas algo más de 21000 personas tuvieron difteria; en la era de las vacunas…
Thomas Uhle, a grow manager, tends to marijuana plants growing at GB Sciences Louisiana in Baton Rouge in August 2019. Gerald…
Imagen de Ria Sopala / PixabayLos datos son de Estados Unidos. Antes de las vacunas algo más de 21000 personas tuvieron difteria…
Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest have made inroads in preventing their platforms from being overrun with disinformation. But…
Over 1,160 cases of measles have been confirmed in the U.S. in 2019. That is more measles cases in just seven months than any…
Mike LofgrenOur current craziness goes all the way back to 9/11 -- and maybe even the Mayflower.
Author: Martha Villabona works at Centro Nacional de Innovación e Investigación Educativa (CNIIE) of the Spanish Ministry of…
As measles outbreaks spread across the U.S., our new look at how information about vaccine safety and reliability spreads…
Commentary: In a world filled with #fakenews, bots and brands trying to humanise themselves, April Fools' Day is a bad idea…
The deaths of three Macedonian infants since December, 2018 due to a measles epidemic has been blamed on anti-vax propaganda…
A large measles outbreak in Washington state shows no sign of abating. According to the State Department of Health, there are…
2018 is quickly fading into history. All in all, it’s been a year of some remarkable progress in obesity and health. Much of it…
When we began the consultation process for the LSE Truth, Trust and Technology Commission, it was curious to observe how the…
As policy makers in the UK and elsewhere consider how to tackle the spread of misinformation and the problems it causes, the LSE…
Un siglo después de la peor epidemia de gripe en el mundo, la rápida difusión de información errónea está socavando la…
IL PARCO DELLE BUFALE – Si denuncia spesso la produzione russa di notizie false riguardanti la politica occidentale, ma forse…
This is extremely concerning, especially since measles has claimed 37 lives this year alone -- which would just not happen if…
Chris Preece discusses the importance of using our own voice and the dangers of adopting othersRelated items from…
By Lisa Rapaport Some of the same Twitter accounts that tried to influence the outcome of the 2016 U.S. presidential election…
Researchers report Russian trolls and bots are significantly involved in promoting discord and spreading false information…
The media are promoting a new scientific paper on the vaccination debate. Their interest is undoubtedly driven by the study’s…
Findings suggest much of the online discussion about vaccines may be linked to 'malicious actors' with 'hidden agendas'
Jens returns to present a brief history of bioweapons, with a focus on the program in the Soviet Union, the largest ever…
A new study shows how bots and Russian trolls have been spreading misinformation and confusion on Twitter about vaccination in…
A new study shows how bots and Russian trolls have been spreading misinformation and confusion on Twitter about vaccination in…
Over on my Twitter feed, which veers off-topic a bit more often than this blog, I had a series of tweets the other day about…
The trolls insulted advocates on both sides to generate hostility.
"Nyet Comrade"I'm slightly outside of my comfort zone when talking about the findings reported by David Broniatowski and…
Russian trolls have been leaping into existing hot-button debates between US internet users and riling up both sides for years…
Russian trolls tried to hack the debate between pro and anti-vaxxers via bot accounts on Twitter, says a new study from the…
Study finds 93% of tweets about vaccines between 2014 and 2017 were planted with aim of sowing divisionBots and Russian trolls…