Altmetric Explorer

Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal: Highest Scoring Articles in Altmetric

Top 5 research outputs

Below is a list of the top 5 research outputs in this report. Each research output has an Altmetric Attention Score , which provides an indicator of the amount of attention that has been received.

Rank Attention Score Research output

To team up or not: single versus team driving in European road freight transport


Offshore port service concepts: classification and economic feasibility


Deep learning models for vessel’s ETA prediction: bulk ports perspective


Mass Customization: Reflections on the State of the Concept


Semiconductor fault detection and classification for yield enhancement and manufacturing intelligence

Attention source breakdown

The number of mentions from each source that Altmetric has tracked for the research outputs in this report.

News mentions
Policy mentions
Patent mentions
Wikipedia mentions
Google+ mentions
The information in this report was last updated at 00:00AM UTC on 2024-04-28.
This report was produced by the Altmetric Explorer. For more information about Altmetric, visit