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Advances in Photosynthesis Research

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Advances in Photosynthesis Research
Springer Netherlands

Table of Contents

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    Book Overview
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    Chapter 1 Molecular Organization of Chloroplast Thylakoid Membranes
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    Chapter 2 Orientation of Photosynthetic Pigments in vivo: Structural and Functional Aspects
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    Chapter 3 Comparative Photochemical and Electrochemical Properties of Thylakoids, Stromal Lamellae, Inside-in and Inside-out Vesicles (Granal and Randomized)
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    Chapter 4 Structural Relations between Endoplasmic Reticulum/Plastid Envelope and Protein Import
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    Chapter 5 Preparation and Characterization of Membrane Fractions Enriched in Outer and Inner Envelope Membranes from Spinach Chloroplasts
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    Chapter 6 Isolation and Characterization of Outer and Inner Chloroplast Envelope Membranes of Spinacia Oleracea
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    Chapter 7 Temperature-induced Changes in the Structure and Function of Pea Chloroplasts and their Relation to Chloroplast Membrane Organisation
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    Chapter 8 Composition and Functions of Chloroplast and Thylakoid Membranes Affected by Digitonin and Glutaraldehyde
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    Chapter 9 In situ Separation of Pigment Systems Using Iudicious Alterations of the Thylakoid Membrane
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    Chapter 10 Two Mechanisms of Freeze-thaw Inactivation of Thylakoid Membranes
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    Chapter 11 Relationship between Thylakoid Membrane Fluidity and the Kinetics of Salt Induced Fluorescence Changes: a Spin Label Study
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    Chapter 12 Transverse and Lateral Heterogeneity in Membrane Fluidity in Thylakoids, Galactolipid Vesicles, and an Oxygen evolving Photosystem II Preparation
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    Chapter 13 Complexity and Entropy Changes in the Photosynthetic Apparatus during Floral Induction of Spinach Plants
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    Chapter 14 All-granal Chloroplasts of Apple-fruit
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    Chapter 15 Selective Thylakoid Protein Damage and Repair during Photoinhibition
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    Chapter 16 Electron Transfer Reactions Involving Plastoquinone in Stacked and Unstacked Thylakoids
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    Chapter 17 Increased Stacking Capacity by Modified Thylakoid Surfaces
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    Chapter 18 Light Scattering, Fluorescence Yield and Membrane Stacking Changes due to Divalent Cation Removal from Stacked Thylakoids
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    Chapter 19 Electron Transport, Photophosphorylation and Thylakoid Stacking
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    Chapter 20 Changes in the Absorbance of Chlorophylls and Fluorescence of Atebrin in Senescing Chloroplasts
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    Chapter 21 Lateral Heterogeneity of Proteins and Lipids in the Thylakoid Membrane and Implications for Electron Transport
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    Chapter 22 Chlorophyll-protein Complexes of Higher Plants: Protein Phosphorylation and Preparation of Monoclonal Antibodies
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    Chapter 23 The Effect of Polar Thylakoid Lipids on Oxygen Evolution
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    Chapter 24 The Role of Acyl Lipids in the Function and Molecular Organisation of Photosynthetic Membranes
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    Chapter 25 Studies on the Distribution of Galactolipids across the Thylakoid Membrane Using Thylakoid Vesicles of Normal and Everted Sidedness
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    Chapter 26 Changes in Chlorophyll-protein Complexes of Bean Galactolipase-or Phospholipase A 2 , C and D-Treated Thylakoid Membranes
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    Chapter 27 Lipid-protein Interactions in the Thylakoid Membranes of Higher Plant Chloroplasts
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    Chapter 28 The Lipid Phase of Photosynthetic Membranes
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    Chapter 29 Chlorobium Aminolipid: a new Membrane Lipid from Green Sulfur Bacteria
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    Chapter 30 Mode of Organization of Galactolipids: a Conformational Analysis
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    Chapter 31 Regulation of the Galactolipid Synthesis in Spinach Chloroplasts
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    Chapter 32 Serological Investigations on the Function of Phospholipids in the Thylakoid Membrane
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    Chapter 33 Turnover of Galactolipids Incorporated into Chloroplast Envelopes
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    Chapter 34 Lateral Heterogeneity of Polar Lipids in the Thylakoid Membranes of Spinach Chloroplasts
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    Chapter 35 Time Resolved Anisotropy Decay of Diphenylhexatriene in Isolated Thylakoid Lipid Dispersions
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    Chapter 36 Polar Lipids in Spinach Leaf Mitochondria
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    Chapter 37 Monoclonal Antibodies to Chlorophyll α -protein 1 in Barley
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    Chapter 38 Polypeptide Composition of Mesophyll Chloroplast Envelopes from C 4 Subgroup Representatives
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    Chapter 39 Proteolysis of Chlamydomonas Reinhardi Y-1 Thylakoid Polypeptides
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    Chapter 40 Chloroplast Proteins Related to Photosystem II in Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii : Mutants and Trypsin-Treated Chloroplast Particles
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    Chapter 41 On the Lateral Distribution of Thylakoid Phosphoproteins
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    Chapter 42 Changes in Thylakoid Peptide Composition and Phosphorylation in Differentiated Chloroplasts of Mesophyll and Bundle Sheath Cells of Maize
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    Chapter 43 Organization, Structure and Function of the Photochemical Apparatus in Phycobilin and Chlorophyll b -containing Oxygen-evolving Photosynthetic Organisms
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    Chapter 44 Salts and pH as Probes of the Organization of the two Photosystems
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    Chapter 45 Separation of the Photosystems with Retention of their Photochemical Activities
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    Chapter 46 Location of the Manganese Component of Freeze-fractured Photosynthetic Membranes
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    Chapter 47 Structure and Functional Studies of an Oxygen-evolving Photosystem II Preparation
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    Chapter 48 Detergent-extracted O 2 -evolving Photosystem II Preparations are Appressed Membranes
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    Chapter 49 Electron Microscopic Characteristics of Photosystem II Preparations and Their Inactivation and Reactivation with Respect to Oxygen Evolution
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    Chapter 50 Isolation of Inside-out Thylakoid Vesicles with Increased Photosystem II Purity — lateral Index of Thylakoid Components
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    Chapter 51 Cation Control of Photosystem 2 Electron Donation Reactions
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    Chapter 52 Quantitative Determination of the Electron Transport Complexes in the Thylakoid Membranes of Spinach and Several Other Plant Species
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    Chapter 53 Infl u ence of Structural Properties of the Thylakoid Membrane on the Rate of Q oxidation
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    Chapter 54 The Accessibility of Chloroplast Cytochromes in Inside-out and Right-side-out Thylakoid Vesicles to Trypsin
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    Chapter 55 Organization and Function of Photosynthetic and Respiratory Cytochrome b/c-FeS Complexes
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    Chapter 56 Reconstitution of Cytochrome f/b 6 and ATP Synthetase Complexes
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    Chapter 57 The Irradiance Dependent Control of the Q-B-polypeptide Turnover is a Widespread Phenomenon in Oxygenic Photosynthesis
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    Chapter 58 Irradiance Dependent Changes in Photosystem 2 Caused by Chloramphenicol and Uncouplers in Photosynthesizing Cells
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    Chapter 59 Simulations of State Changes in the Photosynthetic Apparatus
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    Chapter 60 Thermodynamically Forced State Changes in Chloroplasts
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    Chapter 61 Evidences for Spill Over Changes during State 1 to State 2 Transition in Green Leaves
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    Chapter 62 Changes in the Photochemical Activities of Thylakoids during Phosphorylation of the Light Harvesting Complex
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    Chapter 63 Energy Distribution Changes during Phosphorylation of the Light Harvesting Complex in Thylakoids
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    Chapter 64 Light Independent Phosphorylation of the Chlorophyll a,b -protein Complex in Thylakoids of the Prokaryote Prochloron
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    Chapter 65 Studies on the Control of Excitation Energy Distribution between the Two Photosystems in Pea Thylakoids by Mg 2+ and LHCP-phosphorylation
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    Chapter 66 Temperature-induced Changes in the Distribution of Excitation Energy between Photosystem I and Photosystem II in Spinach Leaves
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    Chapter 67 State I/State II and Dark Adaptation in Green and Blue-green Algae
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    Chapter 68 Regulation of Light Harvesting Chlorophyll a/b Binding Protein (LHCP) Phosphorylation in Intact Maize Mesophyll Chloroplasts
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    Chapter 69 Mechanism of the Light State Transition in Porphyridium cruentum
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    Chapter 70 Energy Coupling between Protein-chlorophyll Complexes in Chloroplasts. The Effect of Membrane Phosphorylation
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    Chapter 71 Energy Coupling between Protein-chlorophyll Complexes in Chloroplasts. The Effects of Mg Ions
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    Chapter 72 Effects of Protein Phosphorylation on the Properties of Thylakoid Membranes
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    Chapter 73 The Role of Light-harvesting Complex Phosphorylation in Mediating the State 1-State 2 Transition: a Re-examination
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    Chapter 74 Adenylate Nucleotide Regulation of Thylakoid Protein Phosphorylation
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    Chapter 75 A Quantitative Analysis of the Chlorophyll Fluorescence Induction Curve from Pea Leaves
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    Chapter 76 Photoacoustics as a Probe for Photosynthetic O 2 Evolution and Energy Storage in an Intact Leaf — Distribution of Excitation Energy between PSII and PSI
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    Chapter 77 Topography and Function of Cytochrome Oxidase in a Cyanobacterium
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    Chapter 78 Giant Photosynthetic Layers with Intact Water Cleavage Activity — Spreading of PS II Complexes from Cyanobacteria —
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    Chapter 79 Specificity of in vitro Reassociation of Phycobiliproteins and Membranes to Form Homologous and Heterologous Functional Membrane Bound Phycobilisomes
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    Chapter 80 Isolation of Intact, Detergent-free Phycobilisomes from Griffithsia monolis by Means of Trypsin
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    Chapter 81 Protein Sequence Homologies between Portions of the L and M Subunits of Reaction Centers of Rhodopseudomonas capsulata and the 32 KD Herbicide-binding Polypeptide of Chloroplast Thylakoid Membranes and a Proposed Relation to Quinone-binding Sites
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    Chapter 82 Topology of the Thylakoid Polypeptides of Rhodopseudomonas viridis
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    Chapter 83 The Use of Chemical Labels, Proteases and Biophysical Techniques for the Study of the Architecture of the Membrane of the Photosynthetic Bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum G-9
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    Chapter 84 Hydrophobic Membrane Labeling in Chromatophores of Rhodospirillum rubrum G-9 + with Two Carbene Generating Reagents
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    Chapter 85 Arrangement of the Photosynthetic Membrane of Rhodopseudomonas viridis Studied by Electron Microscopy, Image Processing and Immunological Methods
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    Chapter 86 The Molecular Topography of the Photochemical Membrane System in the Green Bacterium Chloroflexus
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    Chapter 87 Flexibility of Chloroplast Metabolism
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    Chapter 88 Carbon Metabolism in Epidendrum elongatum
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    Chapter 89 Carbon and Energy Balance during Continuous Algal Growth
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    Chapter 90 14 CO 2 Fixation by Barley Pericarps
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    Chapter 91 Varying Photosynthetic Pathway and a C 3 -C 4 Intermediate in Australian Neurachne and its Allies (Poaceae)
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    Chapter 92 Different Metabolic Fate of two Carbons of Glycolate in Euglena gracilis Z
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    Chapter 93 Carbon Metabolism in a PEP-carboxykinase C 4 Plant
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    Chapter 94 Glycolaldehyde Inhibition of Photosynthetic Carbon Assimilation by Isolated Chloroplasts and Protoplasts
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    Chapter 95 Metabolism of Labelled 3-phosphoglycerate with Mesophyll Protoplasts and Purified Mesophyll Chloroplasts from the C 4 Plant Digitaria sanguinalis
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    Chapter 96 Carbon Metabolism and Malate Formation in the CAM Plant Aloe arborescens
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    Chapter 97 Patterns of CO 2 metabolism during the diurnal cycle of Crassulacean Acid Metabolism
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    Chapter 98 Genetic Analysis of Photosynthetic Carbon Pathways
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    Chapter 99 Evidences for the Role of the Chloroplast in Algal Fermentation
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    Chapter 100 Rapid Fractionation of Leaves of Zea Mays : Contents of Metabolites in Mesophyll and Bundle Sheath Compartments
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    Chapter 101 Wax Ester Formation in Euglena gracilis during Anaerobiosis and Photoheterotrophic Growth
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    Chapter 102 Carbon Assimilation in Anacystis nidulans Grown in Carbon-regulated Chemostats
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    Chapter 103 Inorganic Carbon Utilization by Cyanobacteria
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    Chapter 104 The Influence of Brassinosteroid, a Growth-promoting Steroidal Lactone, on Development and CO 2 -fixation Capacity of Intact Wheat and Mustard Seedlings
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    Chapter 105 Localization of Enzymes in Chloroplasts from Chlamydomonas Reinhardii : Enzymes of Glycolysis, the Oxidative Pentose Phosphate Pathway, and the Citric Acid Cycle
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    Chapter 106 Isolation and Partial Characterisation of Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase Isolated from Green Leaves of Millet (Panicum miliaceum CV. unicum)
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    Chapter 107 The Effect of Metals on Maize (Zea mays) Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase Isoenzymes
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    Chapter 108 The Reversible Acid Dissociation and Deactivation of Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase from Sorghum Leaves
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    Chapter 109 Spinach Leaf d -Glycerate-3-kinase
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    Chapter 110 Fructose-2,6-bisphosphate and C 4 Plants
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    Chapter 111 Fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase of Scenedesmus obliquus
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    Chapter 112 Study of Kinetic and Binding Properties of NADP-malate Dehydrogenase (MDH a) from Spinach Chloroplasts
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    Chapter 113 Localization and Properties of Inorganic Pyrophosphatase of Pennisetum americanum Mesophyll Protoplasts
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    Chapter 114 Sucrose Phosphatase in Plants
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    Chapter 115 Efficient Purification of Spinach Chloroplastic Sedoheptulose 1,7-bisphosphatase (SBPase). Kinetic Comparison with Fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase)
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    Chapter 116 PEP Carboxylase in Legumes. Effect of nitrogen nutrition
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    Chapter 117 Oxaloacetate Translocator in Plant Mitochondria
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    Chapter 118 Molecular Properties of the Chloroplast Fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase from Euglena gracilis
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    Chapter 119 Membrane-bound Aldolase in Pea Leaf Chloroplasts
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    Chapter 120 Membrane-bound Cysteine Oxidases in Spinach, Chlorella, Synechococcus, and Rhodopseudomonas
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    Chapter 121 Molecular Properties of NADP-dependent Malate Dehydrogenase
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    Chapter 122 Ferredoxin-thioredoxin Reductase: Purification and Substrate Requirements
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    Chapter 123 Spinach Leaf Photosynthetic Fructose-1.6-bisphosphatase: Biosynthetic Characteristics
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    Chapter 124 Chloroplastic Thioredoxins from Spinach
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    Chapter 125 In vivo Activities of Carbonic Anhydrase and PEP Carboxylase
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    Chapter 126 The Role of PEP-case in a Cyanobacterium
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    Chapter 127 Physical Properties of Glycine Decarboxylase Multienzyme Complex from Pea Leaf Mitochondria
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    Chapter 128 CAM: Regulated Photosynthetic Metabolism for all Seasons
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    Chapter 129 Regulation of Photosynthetic Carbon Metabolism in Microalgae by Wavelength of Incident Light and by CO 2 Concentration
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    Chapter 130 Enzyme Regulation in Photosynthesis
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    Chapter 131 Involvement of Cyclic Photophosphorylation in 14 CO 2 Fixation in Chloroplasts
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    Chapter 132 Pool Sizes of Calvin Cycle Intermediates in Chloroplasts as Related to Limitations of Photosynthesis in Leaves
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    Chapter 133 Direct Measurement of Enzyme Activities and Inhibition Kinetics within Isolated Asparagus Cells Using a Freeze-thaw Technique
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    Chapter 134 Regulation of Stromal Sedoheptulose Bisphosphatase Activity
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    Chapter 135 The Regulation of the Activity of Zea mays Phosphoribulokinase
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    Chapter 136 Regulation of the Activation of Pyruvate, Pi Dikinase and NADP-malate Dehydrogenase in Maize
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    Chapter 137 Regulation of Sucrose Phosphate Synthase Activity in Leaves
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    Chapter 138 Regulation of Photosynthetic Sucrose Synthesis by Fructose 2,6-bisphosphate
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    Chapter 139 Regulation of C 4 Photosynthesis: Inactivation of Pyruvate, P i Dikinase From Zea Mays by ADP-dependent Phosphorylation
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    Chapter 140 The Regulation of CO 2 Fixation and of Sucrose Synthesis in Plants
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    Chapter 141 Regulation of the Synthesis and Breakdown of Fructose-2,6-bisphosphate in Leaves
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    Chapter 142 Regulation of Chloroplast Fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase Activity by the Ferredoxin/Thioredoxin System
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    Chapter 143 Role of the Ferredoxin/Thioredoxin System in the Regulation of Photosynthetic Enzymes in a Cyanobacterium
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    Chapter 144 The Effect of ATP on Malate Oxidation by Mung Bean Hypocotyl Mitochondria and by Soluble Malate Dehydrogenase
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    Chapter 145 The Regulation of Electron Flow between Cytochrome Oxidase and the Alternative Oxidase in Mitochondria from Panicum miliaceum , an NAD-malic Enzyme Type C 4 Plant
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    Chapter 146 Some Relationships between Photosynthetic Carbon Metabolism and Chlorophyll a Fluorescence
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    Chapter 147 Induction of Photosynthetic Oxygen Evolution in Spinach Leaves
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    Chapter 148 Fluorescence Induction in a Thylakoid System Reconstituted for Photosynthetic Carbon Assimilation
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    Chapter 149 Simultaneous Measurement of CHL α Fluorescence and Photosynthetic O 2 Evolution in Systems of Decreasing Complexity (from the Leaf to the Reconstituted Chloroplast System)
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    Chapter 150 O 2 and CO 2 Effects on Fluorescence Induction Kinetics of Wheat Leaves
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    Chapter 151 Changes in Redox State of Cytochromes in Relation to Carbon Assimilation in Isolated Pea Chloroplasts
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    Chapter 152 Isolation of Plasma Membrane Vesicles from Leaves of Spinach and Barley, Useful for Studies on Transport of Carbon Assimilation Products
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    Chapter 153 Sucrose Efflux from Asparagus officinalis Cells
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    Chapter 154 A Comparative Study of Inorganic Carbon Transport in Photosynthetic Cells
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    Chapter 155 Regulation of 2-oxoglutarate and Dicarboxylate Transport in Spinach Chloroplasts by Ammonia in the Light
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    Chapter 156 Light Dependent Reduction of Hydrogen Peroxide via the Ascorbate-glutathione Cycle in Intact Spinach Chloroplasts
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    Chapter 157 Reductive Activation in vitro of Chloroplast Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase
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    Chapter 158 Light dependent Activation of NADP malate Dehydrogenase and Photophosphorylation: Energy Requirements
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    Chapter 159 Inhibition of the Light Activation of Fructose-1, 6-bisphosphatase and Sedoheptulose-1, 7-bisphosphatase by Osmotic Stress in Isolated Spinach Chloroplasts
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    Chapter 160 NADPH Linked Activation of Thioredoxin Dependent Enzymes from Spinach Chloroplasts
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    Chapter 161 Activation or Inhibition of Phosphoenol Pyruvate Carboxylase by NaCl
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    Chapter 162 Reductive Activation of FBPase within the Chloroplast Stroma
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    Chapter 163 Avenue to the Pandora’s Box of Rubisco
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    Chapter 164 Some Mechanistic Aspects of Ribulose Bisphosphate Carboxylase
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    Chapter 165 Role of the Activation Status of the Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate Carboxylase in Regulating Photosynthesis
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    Chapter 166 Chemical and Physical Characterization of the Activation of Ribulosebisphosphate Carboxylase/Oxygenase
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    Chapter 167 Kinetics of Functional Groups of Ribulose Bisphosphate Carboxylase/Oxygenase
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    Chapter 168 Identification of Ligands of the Activator Cation of Ribulose Bisphosphate Carboxylase
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    Chapter 169 Phosphorylated Ligands Alter the Kinetics of CO 2 /Mg 2+ -activation of Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate Carboxylase
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    Chapter 170 Effects of Anions on the Activation and Catalytic Properties of Rubisco
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    Chapter 171 Dissociation of Spinach Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate Carboxylase by Urea
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    Chapter 172 RuBP Carboxylase/Oxygenase Activated with Cu 2+ and Studied by EPR
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    Chapter 173 Production and Characterization of Monospecific Antibodies to Ribulose Bisphosphate Carboxylase/Oxygenase Subunit Polypeptides
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    Chapter 174 Oxygenase and Carboxylase Activities of RuBP Carboxylase from Wheat Leaves
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    Chapter 175 Chromosomal Location of Control of Ribulose Bisphosphate Carboxylase in Seedling Leaves of Wheat
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    Chapter 176 Ribulose Bisphosphate Carboxylase and Net CO 2 Fixation in Tomato Leaves
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    Chapter 177 The Isolation of an Active Site Peptide from Spinach Ribulose Bisphosphate Carboxylase/Oxygenase Modified by Glyoxylate
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    Chapter 178 Crystallisation and Preliminary X-ray Studies of Spinach Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate Carboxylase/Oxygenase
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    Chapter 179 Maintenance of Ribulose Bisphosphate Carboxylase Activity by Endogenous Mg 2+ in Soybean Leaf Extracts
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    Chapter 180 D-ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate Carboxylase/Oxygenase — complete Amino Acid Sequence of the Tobacco Enzyme and Analysis of Regulatory Functions
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    Chapter 181 Some Characteristics of a Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate Carboxylase Deficient Green Tobacco Mutant in Cell Suspension Cultures
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    Chapter 182 Pyrenoid Proteins and Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate Carboxylase from the Green Alga Bryopsis maxima
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    Chapter 183 Kinetics of Accumulation of the Subunits of Ribulose Bisphosphate Carboxylase During Chloroplast Development in Euglena gracilis as Determined by Solid-Phase Indirect Radioimmunoassay
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    Chapter 184 Biochemical and Genetic Regulation of Photorespiration
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    Chapter 185 Study of Some Paradoxical Responses of Photorespiration and Photosynthesis to CO 2 and O 2
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    Chapter 186 Regulation of Photosynthetic Carbon Metabolism under Photorespiratory and Non-photorespiratory Conditions: the Role of Phosphate and Triose Phosphates
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    Chapter 187 Distribution of P-glycolate Phosphatase between Mesophyll and Bundle Sheath Cells of the C 4 Plant Zea mays ; Intracellular Localization
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    Chapter 188 Hydrilla: Inducible C 4 -type Photosynthesis without Kranz Anatomy
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    Chapter 189 Photorespiratory Oxygen Uptake in Isolated Bundle Sheath Strands of C 4 Plants
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    Chapter 190 A new Method for Estimating Photorespiration: Use of Double Labeled Glyceric Acid
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    Chapter 191 The Isolation and Characterisation of Photorespiratory Mutants of Barley Hordeum vulgare
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    Chapter 192 Photosynthesis, Photorespiration and Enzyme Levels in Barley Wheat and Maize Grown on Nitrate and Ammonia
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    Chapter 193 X-ray Studies on Glycolate Oxidase from Spinach
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    Chapter 194 Stimulation of Photosynthesis by Potassium Glyoxylate in Cucumber Leaf Discs
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    Chapter 195 Evidence for the Involvement of the Mitochondrial Electron Transport Chain in Photorespiratory Glycine Oxidation
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    Chapter 196 Relationship between Ammonia Exchange and Photorespiration in Chlamydomonas
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    Chapter 197 The Use of Percoll to Purify Mitochondria and Peroxisomes from Spinach Leaves
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    Chapter 198 Photosynthesis and Photorespiration in Mosses
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    Chapter 199 Photosynthesis and Photorespiration on a Red Macroalga Chondrus crispus , in Relation to the Carbonic System
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    Chapter 200 The Role of the Roots in Nitrate Reduction and Mobilization of the Carbohydrate Product of Photosynthesis for Aminoacid Synthesis in Triticum aestivum Seedlings
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    Chapter 201 NADH-nitrate Reductase in Roots and Shoot of Wheat Seedlings: Activity and Approach to Immunological Quantification
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    Chapter 202 Studies on the Photorespiratory Carbon and Nitrogen Metabolism of Glycine, Glutamate and Glutamine in Wheat Leaves
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    Chapter 203 The Glycine Decarboxylating System in Spinach Leaf Mitochondria
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    Chapter 204 Ammonia Assimilation in Relation to Photosynthesis in Isolated Cells of Asparagus Cladophylls
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    Chapter 205 Purification of the Associated 3-dehydroquinate Hydrolyase and Shikimate Oxidoreductase in Spinach Chloroplasts
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    Chapter 206 Biosynthesis of Aromatic Amino Acids by Isolated Spinach Chloroplasts — intracellular Compartmentation of the Reactions
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    Chapter 207 Serine Synthesis in Pea Leaf Mitochondria and Chloroplasts from Intermediates of the Glycollate Pathway
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    Chapter 208 The Effect of Carbohydrate Status on the Photosynthetic, Stomatal, and Respiratory Physiology of Wheat Leaves
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    Chapter 209 The Effect of n-polymethylene-carboxymaleimides on Glycine Movement into Pea Leaf Mitochondria
Attention for Chapter 16: Electron Transfer Reactions Involving Plastoquinone in Stacked and Unstacked Thylakoids
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Chapter title
Electron Transfer Reactions Involving Plastoquinone in Stacked and Unstacked Thylakoids
Chapter number 16
Book title
Advances in Photosynthesis Research
Published by
Springer, Dordrecht, January 1984
DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-4973-2_16
Book ISBNs
978-9-02-472944-9, 978-9-40-174973-2

Lars F. Olsen


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