Altmetric Explorer

Look beyond citation analysis by tracking all the online attention to published research in one intuitive platform.

angled laptop with an Altmetric donut on the screen

Track your online influence in one place

Uncover the wider story behind published research with the user-friendly Altmetric Explorer

There aren’t enough hours in the day to meticulously and continuously scour the online world to establish the influence of research.

That’s where our technology can do the work for you. The Altmetric Explorer automates this process, tracking thousands of online mentions and collating them in one platform.

We make it simple to understand the value and influence of research on people and communities around the world.

Fancy experiencing Altmetric firsthand?

All conversations in one place
Accurate results
User-friendly interface
Interoperable data as you need it

All conversations in one place

Altmetric collects the relevant discussions around each piece of published research.

We track policy documents, mainstream news outlets, social media, blogs, Wikipedia, online reference managers and more, and then we make it all available for you in one place.

angled laptop with a sidebar next to an Altmetric donut and square icons next to multiple menu tabs, citation data and a world map

Accurate results

We’re the only online attention system that is designed to automatically recognize unique identifiers, so we can precisely match online attention to research.

We also cross-check and match multiple identifiers and collate them in one record of attention for all versions of the research item.

Whether you wish to browse the entire database, track research outputs, or focus on a specific journal or institution. Our powerful search filters locate data by keyword, item, DOIs, ISBNs, timeframes, and a whole host of other criteria to help you find exactly what you need.

a selection menu on a web browser

User-friendly interface

We make millions of data outputs accessible and easy to understand, our tool includes:

  • Visualizations for at-a-glance insight
  • Breakdown and view the data as Highlights, Research Outputs, Timeline, Demographics, Mentions, and Journals
  • Filters, such as SDG goals, GRID ID, Subject, and more help you to interpret, pinpoint or broaden your scope with ease
angled laptop with a world map

Interoperable data as you need it

Altmetric is interoperable with your own systems via our API, so you can get access in a way that suits you.

We support the most popular SSO methods to ensure ease of access for your staff and students and allow you to bring the data that matters to you directly from CRIS systems and repositories into the Altmetric Explorer.

an Altmetric donut on a web browser

Shareable reports

Whether you need to evidence your results or justify your proposals, you can create and export shareable reports to do the talking for you.

You can also export data on any search term via CSV or API for internal audits and reports.

angled laptop with a sidebar next to five buttons and a dropdown menu

“The advantage of Altmetric is being able to put a number on the online attention and impact. It’s one thing for me to say in a grant application “this paper received a lot of attention”, it’s another thing to say it had an Altmetric Attention Score of 1,341, which places in the 99th percentile of similar papers. That’s much more impactful.”

Professor Patrick O’Sullivan, Genomics Consortium

Transform how you look at research influence

Move beyond citations to uncover the full story of research.