The Altmetric Details Page
Discover a collated record of online attention in one page.
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Accessible with one click via the Altmetric donut badges, the details page for each research output gives a full record of all of the original shares and mentions of an individual piece of scholarly content.
The summary tab provides demographic data for Twitter and Mendeley users of the research (where applicable) and the ‘score in context’ tab shows how the level of attention this research has received compares to other outputs published around the same time or in the same journal.
Demographics and ranking
Where in the world?
If the research has been shared or saved on Twitter or Mendeley, a demographics map will appear showing the location of the users who mentioned or stored it in their library. All demographic information is pulled from user bios.
How does it compare?
You’ll find the score in the context tab on every Altmetric details page – it’s there so you can see how the attention this research has received compares with other research published around the same time or in the same title.
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