Altmetric on GBQ

Supercharge your data analysis and reporting, to drive strategic decisions

Your organization’s technically-expert teams can use Altmetric on GBQ to supercharge their data analysis – exploring unseen connections and insights.

  • Run complex, enriched queries using the depth of Altmetric data via Google Big Query
  • Produce more meaningful analysis by seamlessly combining Altmetric data with your own private and external datasets
  • Integrate with existing Business Intelligence and data visualization tools
  • Analyze billions of data points in seconds
  • See the full picture of your organization’s influence and performance

See the full scope of impact

Benefits for publishers, academic institutions, and other organizations:

Speed and agility
Connected proprietary and public data
Plug-and-play infrastructure

Speed and agility

Altmetric on GBQ can quickly run multiple complex queries at once, enabling you to extract full value from the data and build your own analyses in a way that works for your organization.

With fast access to far more data and the ability to analyze it more flexibly, you gain deeper insights and a clearer picture – whether you’re gathering competitor intelligence in a highly competitive market, or benchmarking your performance against your peers.

a cog inside a circle

Connected proprietary and public data

Plug-and-play infrastructure

Altmetric on GBQ connects easily to your own systems, giving you greater flexibility and fitting seamlessly into your way of working. 

Powering your dashboards, it takes your reporting to a new level.

an arrow pointing down towards a bracket inside a circle

Supercharge your data analysis and reporting

Use Altmetric data more flexibly and get more insights, with Altmetric on GBQ. To find out what it can do for you, get in touch with our friendly team.

Have you heard about about Dimensions on GBQ?

Altmetric’s sister company Dimensions offers Dimensions on GBQ, a comprehensive dataset for research and innovation. When used with Altmetric on GBQ, users will have a complete view of the research landscape spanning traditional and online attention metrics.