
Help your authors and editors see how their research is being shared and discussed online.

angled laptop with an Altmetric donut on the screen

Uncover conversations around your content

Follow the reception of your work from the moment it’s published

Altmetric data can provide valuable insight for publishers, editorial teams, authors, and readers on how their published content is being used and shared around the world.

With Altmetric you can:

  • Showcase the online activity relating to individual articles
  • Access hundreds of thousands of data on online reach and impact and perform analyses
  • Monitor and report on the dissemination and uptake of every publication

Revolutionize your reporting and stakeholder communications

Identify your most popular content
Report back to key stakeholders
Attract new submissions
Benchmark performance

Effectively identify and measure research impact

Identify your most popular content

Altmetric makes it quick and easy to see which of your research is being talked about and shared the most – helping you determine successes or areas for improvement.

three columns of research articles on a web browser

Report back to key stakeholders

Including altmetrics data in reports to editorial boards or other key stakeholders can help demonstrate and reinforce the value of the work your teams are doing.

angled laptop with a chart on screen

Benchmark journal performance

Track engagement and benchmark your progress alongside your competitor’s journals with a Journal Benchmark report.

With the Journal Benchmark dashboard publishers can:

  • Inform strategy with access to the right metrics and context 
  • Gain an overview of performance within a subject area, compared to other journals
  • Make evidence-based acquisition decisions

Attract new submissions

Authors increasingly look for instant feedback on their research – showcase the impact of published work quickly and easily with Altmetric.

an Altmetric donut with square icons beside it, detailing what each colour represents on a web browser

What our customers say about us

“We LOVE Altmetric – because our authors do!”

Genetics Society of America

“We are committed to providing a wide range of impact metrics about our publiations beyond citations and the Impact Factor. We believe Altmetric plays an important role in this.”

Cambridge University Press

“[Our] editors love that they can see a different view of how people are engaging with content.”

Springer Nature

Stand out from the crowd

Move beyond citations to uncover the online influence of your published research.