
Find here the Altmetric logo and imagery guidelines.

Downloadable logos

Logo with black text

Altmetric company logo


Logo with white text

Altmetric company logo


Using the Altmetric donut in marketing materials

You’re welcome to embed the Altmetric donut in marketing materials and email campaigns – either dynamically or as a static image. To get the size of the static image you need just follow these simple steps:

1. Click ’embed badge’ in the top right of the Altmetric details page of the item you want to show the donut for:

a sidebar with an Altmetric donut and square icons next to multiple menu tabs and citation data

3. Change the size number in the URL until you get to the size you need for your materials:

a screenshot of a web address

2. Right-click on the donut image that appears in the pop-up, and then select ‘open image in new tab’:

a step by step process of how to embed an Altmetric badge onto a website

4. Right-click on the donut and select ‘Save image as’ to store it in a location of your choice:

an Altmetric donut with multiple options: save, copy, search, open or print the image

When embedding an image of the badges please be sure to note when the image was captured, for example:

These images were captured on the 8th of October 2022. Note that the live Altmetric score for this output may fluctuate, and the most up-to-date data is available on altmetric.com.

Please also ensure you link the image to the live Altmetric details page for the item, e.g.: http://cob.altmetric.com/details/1264518

Web banners and other materials

If Altmetric imagery is to be used in any web banner or printed marketing collateral, please obtain permission first by sending a mock-up of the piece to [email protected].

We’ve provided some template banners for publishers and institutions – these can be found in our training and support materials.