Publication Impact dashboard

Quickly benchmark your publication’s performance by therapeutic area

Reveal the true impact of your publications

How do you know that your communications and publications strategies are working effectively and your publications are being read by, and influencing, HCPs? 

Understanding the impact of your publications is vital, so you can assess their performance and report back success to stakeholders. However, the process of proving impact can often be time-consuming and prone to human error. This is where the Publication Impact dashboard comes in as a revolutionary tool.

Discover your publication’s performance in minutes

Created using the combined data from Altmetric and Dimensions, our Publication Impact dashboard accelerates the process of evaluation and empower you to understand the impact of your publications in accurate and very fine detail across a broad range of indicators:

  • Benchmark your publication against similar publications within your therapeutic area, and compare publication performance against journal average values
  • Assess whether your publication has reached HCPs and your key audiences
  • Compare your publication’s performance against competitors
  • Assess winning strategies based on your publications’ performance
  • Share an accurate, up-to-date, and easy-to-interpret analysis of performance with key stakeholders

Do you want to see how it works?

Try a sample of our Publication Impact Dashboard.

Powered by Altmetric and Dimensions data.

Track your publication’s impact easily

  • Discover which of your publications received the most engagement among a broader audience, and who it came from
  • Find trends by therapeutic area, drug, manuscript type and other factors
  • Understand your research’s reach post-publication and identify potential improvements for future publication plans
  • Identify the best places to publish in order to reach the most healthcare professionals and maximize your impact
  • Compare multiple publications at once to uncover strategies based on publications’ performance – making the process of proving your success quick and easy. 

Our Publication Impact dashboards are built to your exact needs. Talk to our friendly team about how we can support your strategies.

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