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Immune Reactivity of Lymphocytes

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Cover of 'Immune Reactivity of Lymphocytes'

Table of Contents

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    Book Overview
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    Chapter 1 Differentiation and Ontogeny of Lymphoid Cells
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    Chapter 2 The Ontogeny of Bursa- and Thymus-Specific Cell Surface Antigens in the Chicken
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    Chapter 3 IgA Surface Determinants on Cells from the Chicken Embryo
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    Chapter 4 Contribution of the Bursa of Fabricius to the Maturation of the B Cell System in Chickens
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    Chapter 5 Bursa of Fabricius: Uptake of Radioactive Particles and Radiotoxic “Sealing” of Bursal Follicles
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    Chapter 6 The Need for Transcription and Translation for Differentiation of Bone Marrow Cells by Thymic Factors in Man
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    Chapter 7 Immunological Potential of Yolk Sac Cells
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    Chapter 8 Ontogeny of T Lymphocytes Studied in Athymic and Foetal Mice
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    Chapter 9 Ontogeny of T Cell Function in the Fetal Lamb
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    Chapter 10 Involvement of Cells With ‘B’ Properties in Development of T Helpers
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    Chapter 11 Studies on the development of immunity: general considerations.
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    Chapter 12 Surface Properties of Lymphoid Cells — Introduction
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    Chapter 13 Is a Specialized Stimulator Cell Required for the Induction of Allograft Immunity?
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    Chapter 14 Cell Selection in the Thymus of Mice Treated with Escherichia Coli Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)
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    Chapter 15 Clonal Expansion and Thymus Dependence. Microculture Experiments with TNP-Lipopolysaccharide
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    Chapter 16 Cellular events involved in the true primary immune response of splenocytes in vitro.
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    Chapter 17 Nonspecific Esterase Activity in T Cells
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    Chapter 18 Thymocyte Subpopulations as Stimulators in the Mixed Lymphocyte Reaction
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    Chapter 19 Clonal Proliferation of Human Stimulated Lymphocytes on Agar Culture
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    Chapter 20 Spontaneous and Induced Changes in Thymus Pattern
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    Chapter 21 Thymocyte Maturation in AKR Leukemia
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    Chapter 22 Lymphocytes and Hemopoietic Bone Marrow Cells — Antigenic Relationships between these Cells and Lymphatic Tissue Repopulation from Stem Cells
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    Chapter 23 Demonstration of Two Distinct Macrophage Specific Antigenic Determinants in Rats
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    Chapter 24 Surface Properties of Lymphoid Cells — Summing Up
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    Chapter 25 Microenvironment to a Lymphoid Cell is nothing more than Interaction with its Neighbours
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    Chapter 26 Scanning Electron Microscopy of B- and T-Cells in Peripheral Lymphoid Organs of the Mouse
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    Chapter 27 Human Lymphatic Microecology — Specificity, Characterization and Ontogeny of Different Reticulum Cells in the B Cell and T Cell Regions
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    Chapter 28 ‘Hyperlymphoid’ Mice
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    Chapter 29 The Role of the Afferent Lymph in the Induction of Contact Sensitivity
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    Chapter 30 Studies on the Effect of Environment on the GVH Reactivity of Recirculating Lymphocytes
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    Chapter 31 The Recovery of the B Cell Compartment in Lethally Irradiated and Reconstituted Mice
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    Chapter 32 Regulation of Thymic Lymphopoiesis in Vitro
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    Chapter 33 Isolation and Partial Chemical Characterization of THF, A Thymus Hormone Involved in Immune Maturation of Lymphoid Cells
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    Chapter 34 Regulation of immune balance by thymosin: potential role in the development of suppressor T-cells.
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    Chapter 35 Lymphoid tissue architecture. III. Germinal centers, T cells, and thymus-dependent vs thymus-independent antigens.
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    Chapter 36 Summary and Afterthoughts on Session 3: Homing of Cells and Inductive Effects of Microenvironment and of Humoral Factors
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    Chapter 37 Cell Interactions in Immune Responses: Role of T Lymphocytes
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    Chapter 38 Induction of Hapten Recognizing Helper Function by Heavily Trinitrophenylated Sheep Erythrocytes
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    Chapter 39 In Vitro Proliferative Reactions by Lymphocytes from both Responder and “Low” Responder Mice to (T, G)-A—L
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    Chapter 40 Effect of Interaction between Hapten-Specific Cells Preselected for Different Receptor Affinities and Carrier-Primed Cells on Antibody Avidity
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    Chapter 41 Cell Interaction in B/W Mice: A Reversible Defect at the T-Cell Level
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    Chapter 42 T-cell Dependency of the Response to PVP is Dependent on Maturity of B-cells
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    Chapter 43 Differentiation of Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes Enhanced by T Cell Factors Produced during Mixed Lymphocyte Interactions
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    Chapter 44 Enhancing Effect of Radioresistant Spleen Cells on the Primary Immune Response against Sheep RBC by Mouse Spleen Cells in Vitro
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    Chapter 45 Effector Cell Requirements for Antibody-Dependent and Mitogen-Induced Cytotoxicity
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    Chapter 46 Recruitment of Effector Lymphocytes by Initiator Lymphocytes: Recruited Lymphocytes are Immunospecific
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    Chapter 47 Histophysiology of the Helper T Cell System in Rabbits
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    Chapter 48 Interference of Cyclophosphamide with the Development of T Helper Activity in Rabbits
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    Chapter 49 Enhanced in Vitro Immunogenicity of H-2 Antigens in the Presence of Ia Antigens
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    Chapter 50 Co-Operation is the Thing
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    Chapter 51 Lymphoid Cell Receptors and Antigen Recognition
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    Chapter 52 Patterned antigen-binding cells of multiple specificity.
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    Chapter 53 Evidence for Two Antibody Molecules of Different Specificity Secreted by Bispecific Mouse Spleen PFC Micromanipulated “in vitro”
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    Chapter 54 Early events in the generation of antigen-specific cytotoxicity in MLC.
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    Chapter 55 A Study on the Immunological Function of Fc Receptor-Bearing Cells among Activated Thymocytes
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    Chapter 56 Relation of Antigen-Binding Cells to Immunological Memory
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    Chapter 57 The Detection of IgD and IgM on Murine B-Lymphocytes in Conditions where no Ig can be Found on T-Lymphocytes
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    Chapter 58 The Influence of “I” Region Antibodies on Transplants
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    Chapter 59 Virus-immune cytotoxic T cells are sentized to by virus specifically altered structures coded for in H-2K or H-2D: a biological role for major histocompatibility antigens.
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    Chapter 60 Restriction by H-2 Gene Complex of the Transfer of Delayed Type Hypersensitivity in Mice
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    Chapter 61 Characterization and Specificity of a T-Cell Cooperative Factor
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    Chapter 62 Rat Anti-Lymphocyte Alloantibodies Block Con A-Stimulation of T Lymphocytes: Inhibition of a Polyclonally Specific T Cell Reaction
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    Chapter 63 Recognition of Antigen by B and T Lymphocytes
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    Chapter 64 Host Protection by the Antibody-Forming System in Malignancy
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    Chapter 65 Tumour Resistance of Tetraparental AKR↔CBA Chimaeras
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    Chapter 66 Low Numbers of Tumor Cells Suppress the Host Immune System
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    Chapter 67 Studies on Effector Cell — Target Cell Interactions in Vitro by Means of the Quantitative Immunoadherence Technique
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    Chapter 68 Immunologic Responses of the Autochthonous Host against Tumors Induced by Ultraviolet Light
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    Chapter 69 The In Vivo Coating of Tumor Cells by Potentially Cytotoxic Antitumor Antibodies
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    Chapter 70 Modulation of the immune response in vitro and in vivo by splenocytes from tumor-bearing mice.
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    Chapter 71 Divalent Cation Requirements as a Tool for the Study of Cell-Mediated Cytotoxicity Systems
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    Chapter 72 Macrophage Killing Capacity. Aspects of Mechanism
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    Chapter 73 A New T Cell Neoplasm Expressing Surface Anti-DNP Activity, Developed from the Thymus of Mice Bearing MOPC-315 Plasma Cell Tumors
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    Chapter 74 Lymphocyte-Target Cell Conjugation: Membrane Receptors for Alloantigens
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    Chapter 75 Observations in Vitro Regarding the Mechanism of the Cell Destruction by Stimulated Lymphocytes
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    Chapter 76 The Presence of Cells Expressing Immune-Complex Receptors in Non-Lymphoid Murine Tumors
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    Chapter 77 T and B Immunodepression during 7,12-Dimethylbenz(α) Anthracene (DMBA) Carcinogenesis in Mice
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    Chapter 78 Reversal of a leukemia virus-induced immunodepression by macrophages in vitro and in vivo.
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    Chapter 79 Tumor Immunology—Interaction between Lymphocytes, Antibodies and Neoplastic Cells: A Summary
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    Chapter 80 IR Genes, Phenotypic Expressions and their Interpretation
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    Chapter 81 T Helpers may be Sensitized by Antigen-Specifically Altered Structures, which are Coded by the I Region of the H-2 Gene Complex
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    Chapter 82 Multigenic I Region Control of the Immune Responses of Mice to the GLØ and GLT Random Terpolymers
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    Chapter 83 Overcoming Ir gene control of the response to the lysozymes.
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    Chapter 84 Genetic Control of the Immune Response to Ordered Peptides of Tyrosine and Glutamic Acid
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    Chapter 85 Antigen Specific T Cell Factors in the Genetic Control of the Immune Response to Poly(Tyr, Glu)-Poly(Pro)—Poly(Lys)
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    Chapter 86 A Model for Genetic Control of the Immune Response
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    Chapter 87 The Role of Suppression in Immunoregulation
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    Chapter 88 Immunosuppression by Fetal Liver as a Model for Tolerance to Self
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    Chapter 89 Suppressor Cells in the Embryonic Thymus Mediate Allograft Tolerance
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    Chapter 90 Tolerance in Tetraparental Mouse Chimaeras
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    Chapter 91 Studies on Suppressor T Cells in Tolerance
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    Chapter 92 Depletion of Suppressor T-Cells in Syngeneic Chimeric Mice
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    Chapter 93 Regulatory Cells in the Bone Marrow
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    Chapter 94 Suppression by Soluble Factor Released from B Cells
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    Chapter 95 The Regulatory Influence of the Thymus-Dependent Immune System on the Heterogeneity of Immunoglobulins in Irradiated and Reconstituted Mice
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    Chapter 96 Interference with Antibody-Feedback by Irradiation, Thymus Cells, the Allogeneic Effect, and Serum Factors
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    Chapter 97 Effect of Chorionic Gonadotropins on Humoral and Cell—Mediated Immunity
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    Chapter 98 Augmentation of Cell Mediated Lysis (CML) by THF
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    Chapter 99 Concluding Remarks to Session Eight: Suppressor Cells and Enhancing Antibodies: Immune Agents of the Facilitation Reaction
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    Chapter 100 Immunopathology
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    Chapter 101 Lymphocyte surface-attached immunoglobulins in some clinical conditions.
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    Chapter 102 Control of Autoimmune Processes by a Thymic Humoral Factor (THF)
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    Chapter 103 Clinical, Immunological and Histopathological Evidence for Thymic Deficiency in Down’s Syndrome (Mongolism)
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    Chapter 104 Immunomorphological Lymph Node Processes in Some Cirrhogenic Liver Diseases
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    Chapter 105 Casein-Induced Murine Amyloidosis: Amyloid and Immunoglobulin Production and Proliferative Capacity of Splenocytes
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    Chapter 106 T and B Blocking Factors in Hodgkin’s Disease
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    Chapter 107 Properties of transplantable reticulum cell sarcomas in SJL/J mice.
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    Chapter 108 Skin as a Vehicle for Horizontal Transmission of Gross Passage a Leukemia in Adult Mice. A Unique Microenvironment?
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    Chapter 109 The Relationship between Phagocytosis, Release of Lysosomal Enzymes and 3’, 5’ Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate in Mouse Macrophages 1)
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    Chapter 110 The Still Unsolved Germinal Centre Mystery (Invited Lecture)
Attention for Chapter 67: Studies on Effector Cell — Target Cell Interactions in Vitro by Means of the Quantitative Immunoadherence Technique
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Chapter title
Studies on Effector Cell — Target Cell Interactions in Vitro by Means of the Quantitative Immunoadherence Technique
Chapter number 67
Book title
Immune Reactivity of Lymphocytes
Published by
Springer, Boston, MA, January 1976
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4613-4355-4_67
Pubmed ID
Book ISBNs
978-1-4613-4357-8, 978-1-4613-4355-4

F. Doljanski, Y. Markson, S. Katzav, D. W. Weiss, Doljanski, F., Markson, Y., Katzav, S., Weiss, D. W.


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