Spanish Omphalotus illudens Cited by user Skywiki on 25 Mar 2022 Omphalotus illudens, comúnmente conocido como el hongo Jack-o'Lantern del este, es un hongo naranja grande que a menudo se encuentra en grupos en tocones en descomposición…
English Jay Dunlap Cited by user Citation bot on 22 Jun 2021 Jay Dunlap is an American chronobiologist and photobiologist who has made significant contributions to the field of chronobiology by investigating the underlying…
English Omphalotus illudens Cited by user Izabela8282 on 06 Mar 2020 Omphalotus illudens is commonly called the eastern jack-o'lantern mushroom. It is a large orange mushroom that is often found in clumps on decaying stumps, buried roots…