There Are Good Reasons to Go Nutty for Nuts
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Last month, when the Iran nuclear deal was implemented, everyone wondered about oil, shipping, and banking.
Last month, when the Iran nuclear deal was implemented, everyone wondered about oil, shipping, and banking.
Last month, when the Iran nuclear deal was implemented, everyone wondered about oil, shipping, and banking.
It was a significant year in allergy and immunology, with the landmark LEAP trial results released, epinephrine injectors…
En patient får en dos ebolavaccin på Donka-sjukhuset i Conakry, Guinea. Bild: Yann Libessart /Läkare Utan Gränser 2.
Die Erdnuss (Arachis hypogaea) ist botanisch keine Nuss, sondern eine Hülsenfrucht.
By Adam Collison, Elizabeth Percival, Joerg Mattes, and Rani Bhatia of the University of Newcastle.
Adam Collison, University of Newcastle ; Elizabeth Percival, University of Newcastle ; Joerg Mattes, University of Newcastle…
Allergies are reactions caused by the immune system as it responds to environmental substances that are usually harmless to…
Allergies are reactions caused by the immune system as it responds to environmental substances that are usually harmless to…
Allergies are reactions caused by the immune system as it responds to environmental substances that are usually harmless to…
There are countless parenting questions that science can’t answer: “is it gross to eat food my child spat out?”, “why do my…
There are countless parenting questions that science can’t answer: “is it gross to eat food my child spat out?”, “why do my…
Following a landmark study, growing numbers of Seattle-area doctors and parents are taking the once-scary step of exposing high-r…
Growing numbers of Seattle-area doctors and parents are taking the once-scary step of exposing high-risk babies to peanuts. The…
Not quite true. Dan4th Nicholas , CC BY By the time the Ryanair flight had touched down, four-year-old Fae Platten had been…
Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Pathology for August 2015.
Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Allergy for August 2015.
Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Pediatrics for August 2015.
Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Radiology for August 2015.
Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Urology for August 2015.
Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Cardiology for August 2015.
MONDAY, Aug. 31, 2015 (HealthDay News) -- Infants at high risk for peanut allergies should be given foods containing peanuts…
When my first child was born in 1971, the prevailing wisdom was that you could feed infants cereals, fruits and vegetables…
Exposure to these legumes may help ward off kids’ allergic reactions to them later.
Document is a global collaboration to better inform healthcare providers regarding the potential benefits of early peanut…
Food allergies are a growing public health concern, according to the CDC, affecting approximately 5% of children in the United…
The number of Americans with food allergies, to peanuts for example, is growing at a rapid rate, says Dr. Kari Nadeau, director…
New findings about peanut allergies is turning the advice pediatricians give to parents of young children on its head.
The world of medicine changes rapidly. In fact, people estimate that there is a doubling time of medical knowledge every 3.5…
The news last month of a clinical trial showing that infants at a high risk for peanut allergies were much less likely to…
Allergy New Zealand and allergy specialists are calling for the Ministry of Health to urgently review infant feeding guidelines…
Eine Lehrstunde für Allergiker: Nicht meiden, sondern so früh wie möglich an die Erdnüsse gewöhnen. So lautet der Rat nach der…
Pediatric otolaryngologists and surgeons are concerned with parents getting the wrong message regarding the safety/desirability…
Pediatric otolaryngologists and surgeons are concerned with parents getting the wrong message regarding the safety/desirability…
In this section, we highlight the key high-impact studies, updates, and analyses published in medicine during the past week. 6…
Peanut allergies are on the rise in the US—they have more than doubled since 1997, affecting at least 2% of the US population (th…
Faire consommer des aliments contenant des cacahuètes à des nourrissons réduit de 81 % le risque qu’ils ne deviennent…
Ein früher Kontakt mit Erdnüssen kann bei gefährdeten Kindern eine Erdnussallergie vermeiden. Das ist das Ergebnis der LEAP-Studi…
New study finds peanut allergies may be preventable, but experts warn parents to be cautious
Exposing children to peanuts at an early age could prevent peanut allergy, according to a recent study.
Most peanut allergies can be prevented by feeding young children food containing peanuts beginning in infancy, rather than…
Babies who ate peanuts were less likely to develop an allergy to the food by the time they hit kindergarten, according to a new…
London – Das Füttern mit Erdnussflips kann Säuglinge vor einer späteren Erdnussallergie schützen. Dies kam in einer…
With peanut allergies on the rise worldwide, a study Monday found that contrary to previous advice, feeding foods containing…
London: Regular consumption of peanut-snacks beginning in the first 11 months of life can help prevent subsequent development…
A recipe to ward off peanut allergy has been proposed by US experts after a landmark study found early exposure to peanuts…
Turning what was once conventional wisdom on its head, a new study suggests that many, if not most peanut allergies, can be…
Results from a landmark study suggest it may be possible to prevent allergies altogether
ALLERGY GENES: Suspicions that genes play a part in peanut allergy have been confirmed, but not everyone who inherits these…
Doctors in Southampton are part of a team of researchers who have found that introducing peanut into an infant's diet within…
Those guidelines about not giving your child peanut-containing products until age 3? Looks like they’re wrong.
In research that contradicts years of health advice, scientists said on Monday that babies at risk of developing a childhood…
Young children fed small amounts of peanuts in their diet are less likely to develop a peanut allergy in later life, according…
From 1997 to 2010, the number of Americans with peanut allergies quadrupled. To combat the surge, the American Academy of…
Many parents and even pediatricians have taken the avoidance approach, but that may have been the exact opposite solution to…
HOUSTON – The introduction of peanuts at an early age to children who are more highly predisposed to having a peanut allergy…
Young children fed small amounts of peanuts in their diet are less likely to develop a peanut allergy in later life, according…
Introduction of peanut products into the diets of infants at high risk of developing peanut allergy was safe and led to an 81…
The consumption of foodstuffs containing peanuts early in life can provide protection from developing allergies later…
Introduction of peanut products into the diets of infants at high risk of developing peanut allergy was safe and led to an 81…
Parents who have children with food allergies know all too well about the headaches in keeping their lives "nut-free."
NIH-funded trial compares consumption and avoidance of peanut
A new study suggests eating peanuts regularly before the age of 11 months can protect most babies at high risk of developing…
Yes, we know.
London, Feb 24 (IANS) Regular consumption of peanut-snacks beginning in the first 11 months of life can help prevent subsequent…
Regular consumption of peanut-snacks beginning in the first 11 months of life can help prevent subsequent development of peanut…
New evidence shows that the majority of infants at high-risk of developing peanut allergy are protected from peanut allergy at…
allergy (CNN) — Parents who have children with food allergies know all too well about the headaches in keeping their lives “nut-f…
"The cure for peanut allergy peanuts from the age of four months" says The Guardian. This is dangerous headline advice…
Peanut allergy, an occasionally life-threatening condition that has prompted changes in food consumption rules everywhere from…
If you want your kid to be free of peanut allergy, feed them peanuts, says a new study.A clinical trial, led by Gideon Lack, M.D.
Thor Benson WASHINGTON, Feb. 23 (UPI) -- A new study claims exposing children to peanuts at a young age could greatly reduce…
MIAMI - With peanut allergies on the rise worldwide, a study found that contrary to previous advice, feeding foods containing…
Miami (AFP) - With peanut allergies on the rise worldwide, a study found that contrary to previous advice, feeding foods…
Feeding food containing peanuts to babies before 11 months of age can help overcome allergies during childhood, contrary to the…
Regular consumption of peanut-snacks beginning in the first 11 months of life can help prevent subsequent development of peanut…
If you want your kid to be free of peanut allergy, feed them peanuts, says a new study.
London: Regular consumption of peanut snacks beginning in the first 11 months of life can help prevent subsequent development…
New evidence finds that the majority of infants at high-risk of developing an allergy to peanuts are protected from peanut…
New evidence shows that the majority of infants at high-risk of developing peanut allergy are protected from peanut allergy at…
Introduction of peanut products into the diets of infants at high risk of developing peanut allergy was safe and led to an 81…
Infants whose diet includes peanuts appear to have a greater chance of avoiding a peanut allergy later in childhood, a highly…
With peanut allergies on the rise worldwide, a study Monday found that contrary to previous advice, feeding foods containing…
Spädbarn med risk för jordnötsallergi fick antingen undvika jordnötter helt eller äta små mängder varje dag. De som åt jordnötter…
British research contradicts years of health advice
In research that contradicts years of health advice, scientists said on Monday that babies at risk of developing a childhood…
Infants can be protected from peanut allergy by eating them, a study has found.
In a breakthrough study, researchers show that it’s not only possible to tamp down allergic reactions to peanuts, but by eating…