Massive editorial failures harm authors and readers
Small Pond Science,
Have you heard of the newly published misogynist paper in the American Journal of Emergency Medicine? Here’s the start of the…
Have you heard of the newly published misogynist paper in the American Journal of Emergency Medicine? Here’s the start of the…
What happened to Lisa Littman at Brown offers the most recent evidence of how scientists are pressured not to stray beyond…
Intelligent Design Creationists are still trying to promote their views. They consistently claim to have positive evidence of…
Há algumas semanas um artigo científico, publicado em 5 de janeiro deste ano, tomou conta do Twitter, Facebook e rodas de…
In the beginning of March, social media erupted with a controversy around an article published in the open-access journal PLoS…
Our first story comes from Southern Fried Science, where Andrew David Thaler provides some context for the “Creator” manuscript…
Things moved fast last week. I blogged about a paper with strange references to “The Creator”. Within hours, the story exploded…
Deep-sea biologist Andrew David Thaler comments on the decision by PLOS ONE to retract a peer-reviewed paper on the…
…czyli o kiepskim angielskim i darwinistycznych faszystach. Jeśli naukowcy akurat nie są w swoich laboratoriach, często można…
I really didn’t want to care about this paper, at all. When news broke Wednesday afternoon that a paper in PLOS One referenced…
Article in ScienceAlert today (3/4/16): "Scientists are freaking out over a new paper that says our hands were designed by God…
Okay, that “Creator” paper has officially been retracted by PLOS ONE (previously, and here). Based on what we now know, that…
A paper with reference to “The Creator” in PLOS One, titled “Biomechanical characteristics of Hand Coordination in Grasping…
PLOS ONE has retracted a paper originally published in January after it received a barrage of reader criticism for using the…
The scientific community has been abuzz the last few days after some readers discovered language mentioning “the Creator” in a…
Dan Gianola pointed me to this one. It’s an article by Ming-Jin Liu, Cai-Hua Xiong, Le Xiong, and Xiao-Lin Huang with the…
In what has to be one of the biggest blunders of science publishing, PLoS ONE has published an article about the human hand…
The basis of all of science is that we can explain the natural world through observation and experiments. Unanswered questions…
Well, true to their word, the editorial staff at PLOS ONE acted quickly to review that paper from January that interpreted…
That was fast. The sound of one hand clapping? Now, it's no hands. Besieged by a furious mob of censors, the editors at the peer…
PLOS ONE has retracted a paper published one month ago after readers began criticizing it for mentioning “the Creator.” The…
This would seem to bear out a remark by Chinese paleontologist J.Y. Chen, recounted in Darwin's Doubt, "In China we can…
Open access science journal PLOS One is once again under scrutiny after a Creationist-minded research paper about the evolution…
The paper’s authors wrote that hands show “the proper design of the Creator.” The paper, titled "Biomechanical…
A PLOS ONE é um periódico respeitado, o que torna a publicação de um artigo criacionista mais espantoso.Detalhes do caso podem…
Perhaps the biggest mystery in physics is why the vacuum of space has so little energy in it. Although it may seem intuitive to…
Oops! PLOS One published a paper in January with the title “Biomechanical Characteristics of Hand Coordination in Grasping…
We have just received an e-mail from one of the Panda’s Thumb crew to the effect that a paper “demonstrating” the intelligent…
A paper about the biomechanics of human hands published last month in PLOS ONE is raising some questions on Twitter, after…
A rather curious paper titled “Biomechanical Characteristics of Hand Coordination in Grasping Activities of Daily Living” got…
Back on January 5, PLOS ONE published an Intelligent Design paper containing numerous references to “the Creator.” Judging from…