إنهيار الدارونية,
( فرض نظرية التطور على الوسط العلمي بالسيف ) و بدون مقدمات ؛ يقول التطوري الشهير صاحب الكتب التطورية الكثيرة ( ريتشارد ليونتين …
( فرض نظرية التطور على الوسط العلمي بالسيف ) و بدون مقدمات ؛ يقول التطوري الشهير صاحب الكتب التطورية الكثيرة ( ريتشارد ليونتين …
Hand of God? Scientific Anatomy Paper Citing a 'Creator' Retracted After Furor... https://bit.ly/1ptZ3RJ Controversy is…
4619- #منكوشات_تطورية - الرد الثالث على العمري ومعد فريقه على الرغم من امتلاء برنامج أحمد خيري العمري عن الإلحاد (Anti إلحاد) ب…
4606- إذا كان هذا حال أحد معدي برنامج العمري : فلا عجب إذن من ضحالة المستوى العلمي !! اقرأوا نقده العبقري لنا .. ثم ردنا على تفاه…
الإشارة إلى "الخالق" ولو بطريقة غير مباشرة سبب وجيه لسحب مقال علمي منشور! إن اللوبي الإلحادي المادي قد بلغ من الخبث والتكالب ما ل…
A paper that created a lot of discussion in 2016 was a publication on the biomechanics of coordination in the human hand, which…
Reviewers asleep on the job: https://t.co/BHylnPgC7A #UDKAAP
Tin Chấn Động: Tạp Chí Danh Tiếng PLOS ONE Sơ Suất Trong Khâu Peer Review: Bài Báo Khoa Học Thừa Nhận Sự Tồn Tại của Chúa! …
Cenzura reductionismului materialistic in stiinta (nu spun ateism, pentru ca oamenii de stiinta de ambele tabere adera la…
Merci à Fabien pour cette sympathique trouvaille ! "...architecture between muscles and articulations is the proper design by…
The need for this retraction confirms my view of PLoS One -- great idea (primary focus on veracity of the data) but compromised…
http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0146193 PLoS One just retracted an article that appears to be…
Below is a paper on the design of hands that you should read QUICK..before it's taken down by the dictatorial Darwinian elite…
No submission from @Sloboda_lab again #PLOSONE #poorreviewprocess #retractthispaper https://t.co/bbxfgl17Ca
Before PC Nazis censor it, scientific paper three times says human hand evidence of a Creator. http://journals.plos.org/plosone/a…
Scientific journal editors horrified by Freudian slip: "Creator" is mentioned in the abstract (or was this perhaps a…
Hand coordination can allow humans to have dexterous control with many degrees of freedom to perform various tasks in daily…
Os comentários são a melhor parte..
"Petit scandale en cours dans le monde de la science... Un article vient de paraitre dans le journal Plos One. Plos One est un…
Petit scandale en cours dans le monde de la science... Un article vient de paraitre dans le journal Plos One. Plos One est un…
Parece imposible que se publique en la revista científica PLoS ONE un artículo creacionista. Se menciona al creador en el…
Indignación en el mundo científico con la revista Plos One por publicar un artículo en el que el autor "demuestra" que las…
This PlosOne Creationist hand drama is amazing! http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article/comment?id=info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fannot…
Congrats, PLoS ONE. Nice marketing. via Aleksandra…
While the intentions behind open-access publishing are noble, the reality is that journals under the PLOS ONE brand are sloppy…
Article suggesting Intelligent Design of the human hand gets published in PLoS ONE. Wow... Article: http://journals.plos.org/plo…
"A number of readers have concerns about sentences in the article that make references to a 'Creator'. The PLOS ONE editors…
This @PLOS article on hand biomechanics explains it as "proper design by the Creator" wht? https://t.co/YAIFRaXJ6G
PLOS One opublikował niedawno tekst w którym anatomia ręki ludzkiej miałaby być dowodem na działanie inteligentnego Stwórcy. :-D…
Retweeted PLOS ONE (@PLOSONE): PLOS ONE editors apologize that language wasn't addressed pre-publication. We're looking into…
Como ven este árticulo científico donde concluyen que el creador hizo las manos?
"The Creator" is not someone you see referred to in science everyday! Beuller, Beuller... http://journals.plos.org/plosone/artic…
A decadência de diversas revistas cientificas é motivo de debate na Academia a muito tempo. Revistas Open Access que publicam…
Fraudulent or incompetent? http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0146193
unbelievable PLoS One, those are the kind of mistakes that sink a journal's reputation, let's hope for a prompt response ... #pl…
Language that somehow slipped into PLOS ONE brings review process into question and lends at least temporary support to any ID…