Los justicieros que persiguen los engaños: "1.300 científicos se retractaron en 2016"
El Confidencial,
Ivan Oransky es uno de los fundadores de Retraction Watch, blog que recoge artículos de revistas científicas que se han tenido…
Ivan Oransky es uno de los fundadores de Retraction Watch, blog que recoge artículos de revistas científicas que se han tenido…
As far as evolutionary adaptations go, the human hand — with its jointed fingers and grasping thumb — is pretty impressive.
As far as evolutionary adaptations go, the human hand — with its jointed fingers and grasping thumb — is pretty impressive.
A scientific journal has retracted an article about the complexity of the human hand after receiving backlash to the authors…
Un trabajo supuestamente creacionista publicado por la revista PLOS ONE ha desatado la polémica en las redes sociales.
WorldScience study’s claim that hand reveals ‘Creator’ spark uproar - until realised it was lost in translationMarch 9, 2016 9:30…
A SCIENCE paper which claimed the human hand was “designed by the Creator” has ignited a fierce debate about the peer review…
A SCIENCE paper which claimed the human hand was “designed by the Creator” has ignited a fierce debate about the peer review…
Science and religion sometimes reach uncomfortable juxtapositions. A row has kicked off following the retraction of a science…
Think a "Divine Creator" belongs in science? Well, a peer-reviewed paper that mentions "the Creator" sparked such an outcry…
The ‘La Creazione’ (The Creation) fresco by Michelangelo on the ceiling of the Vatican’s Sistine Chapel.
Forscher beriefen sich in "Plos One" auf "Schöpfer" Cambridge – Peinliche Panne beim renommierten Fachblatt "Plos One"…
(Newser) – Think a "Divine Creator" belongs in science? Well, a peer-reviewed paper that mentions "the Creator" sparked such an…
WIKIMEDIA, D SHARON PRUITT Social media lit up last week when readers noticed that a January PLOS ONE paper entitled “Biomechanic…
© Demotix/Corbis The study claimed the relationship between the anatomical structure of the hand and its ability to grasp…
Un paper pubblicato su Plos One attribuisce il design della mano umana al Creatore.
Tieteen tekijät ja seuraajat hieroivat äsken silmiään, kun lukivat tutkimusta arvostetusta tieteellisestä julkaisusta Plos…
Una investigación científica publicada en la revista de acceso abierto PLOS ONE ha desencadenado una fuerte polémica al sugerir…
Una investigación científica publicada en la revista de acceso abierto PLOS ONE ha desencadenado una fuerte polémica al sugerir…
Quasi quattro secoli dopo lo scontro frontale tra Galileo e l’Inquisizione, sembra che il rapporto tra religione e scienze sia…
巧夺天工、浑然天成、天衣无缝、天工开物,中华词汇多么博大精深啊!不过小心了,天地造化也好,鬼斧神工也好,翻译成英文都落在一处,Creator。而这个Creator,可以要了咱们论文的命! 昨天,Nature的研究亮点 (Research Highlight…
海归学者发起的公益学术平台 分享信息,整合资源 交流学术,偶尔风月 巧夺天工、浑然天成、天衣无缝、天工开物,中华词汇多么博大精深啊!不过小心了,天地造化也好, 鬼斧神工也好 ,翻译成英文都落在一处, Creator 。而这个Creator,可以要了咱们论文的…
Technically Incorrect offers a slightly twisted take on the tech that's taken over our lives.
04. März 2016, 20:18 Uhr Forscher erklären menschliche Hand zum Werk Gottes Von Holger Dambeck Gott ist selten Thema in…
A study published in PLoS One that claims to have provided evidence that the human hand was designed by a "creator" has stirred…
Twitter hammers scientific journal for article praising ‘the Creator’ for ‘proper design’ of human hands A scientific journal…
Researchers who wrote “design by the Creator” in a paper about the function of the human hand have triggered a debate over the…
PLOS ONE has retracted a paper originally published in January after it received a barrage of reader criticism for using the…
Researchers who wrote “design by the Creator” in a paper about the function of the human hand have triggered a debate over the…
Michaelangelo / Web Gallery of Art (Public Domain)Twitter exploded today with the news that a peer-reviewed scientific paper…
Az emberi kz mechanikjrl szl rtekezskben a szerzk a Teremtnek tulajdontjk a kzmozgs tkletessgt.
Home Other Sciences Other March 4, 2016 March 4, 2016 by Bob Yirka report A trio of researchers from China has caused a stir in…
A study published in "PLOS ONE" stirred debate and controversy in the scientific community for charges of creationism, as well…
Een recent artikel in het wetenschappelijke vakblad PLOS ONE over de beweging van de menselijke hand ligt onder vuur vanwege de…
Scientists facing a backlash for citing "the Creator" in their research, which was published by a peer-reviewed journal, have…
One thing you don’t see a lot of in scientific journals is God. Invoking a divine cause in peer-reviewed, published work is…
WUHAN, China, March 3 (UPI) -- The science journal PLOS ONE is being criticized for allowing several references to creationism…
In January, a team of scientists from China and Worcester, Massachusetts, published a paper in the journal PLOS One about hand…
Stuart Dee/ Was the human hand designed by a Creator? A paper in PLOS ONE appears to suggest it.
A PLOS One paper is causing a stir as it suggests that the biomechanical properties of human hands indicate a "proper design by…
Un artículo señala que la forma de la mano humana demuestra el papel de un 'Creador' en el diseño.