Planning for Impact: Evidence-based decision making for pharmaceutical publication leaders

Planning for Impact: Evidence-based decision making for pharmaceutical publication leaders

Planning for Impact: Evidence-based decision making for pharmaceutical publication leaders

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How does the modern publication planner integrate data into their workflow?

With the growth of omnichannel communications, the importance of X (formerly Twitter) and other platforms to communicate your data, the rate at which preprints and Open Access have altered the journal landscape, the job of publication planning has never been so complex.

In this engaging webinar, we’ll take you through impact data, from X (formerly Twitter) to Citations, from Blog to Clinical Guideline and support you to gain a fuller understanding of this increasingly complex world.

We’ll show you:

  • How your portfolio can be sliced-and-diced to understand what works where
  • That different journals connect with HCPs at different rates
  • How impact develops over time, and how it tracks new engagement
  • That what your HCPs are saying online can be interpreted in near-real time and translated to

And ultimately, how your publications are reaching their ultimate goal of influencing clinical guidelines.

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