7 reasons to choose Altmetric

Laura Bushell
number 7 balloon, confetti and streamers

Thousands of conversations about pharmaceutical research and clinical trials happen online everyday. Altmetric tracks a range of sources to capture and collate this activity, providing you with essential, real-time insights about your work and the work produced by others in your field.

1. Measure your influence

Track, evaluate and report on the broader influence of your published research and clinical trials. Altmetric lets you browse by author, group or department to explore the attention your published research is receiving.

2. Find out who’s saying what – and where

Follow online conversations and shares to find out who is engaging with your content and that of your peers. With Altmetric you can explore specific topic areas and regions to see which outlets and individuals you should be getting your work in front of, using the data to inform your strategy and expand your reach.

3. Build relationships and grow your network

Altmetric tracks and collates mentions from thousands of sources in real-time, so you can determine who is drawing attention to your research and driving the discourse. This makes it easy to identify not only Key Opinion Leaders, but also their online counterparts, Digital Opinion Leaders, and successfully engage with them.

4. Manage your reputation

With Altmetric, you can track the activity and discussion surrounding ongoing clinical trials and monitor public response to your research as soon as it’s published, facilitating proactive and effective reputation management.

5. Stay up to date

Search and filter real-time attention data for over 23 million research outputs, including; articles, books, clinical trials, datasets, and more. The immediacy of our data makes it possible to identify emerging trends and topics whilst monitoring the broader research landscape at the same time.

6. Easy data visualization

Heatmaps and bubble charts can be used to visualize your data, making it even easier to analyse and assess your performance, and share the results with your organization so that everybody understands the bigger picture.

7. Plan ahead

Make data-driven decisions to ensure maximum return on investment (ROI) from your publishing and marketing activities. Insights gathered with Altmetric not only serve as evidence of success in reporting to key stakeholders but can also be used to inform future plans and budget allocations.