Altmetric API

The Altmetric APIs provide the flexibility to leverage Altmetric data in the way that works best for your organization.

an unsymmetrical shape

Flexibility as you need it

Altmetric APIs help you to intuitively assess your global online reach

The Altmetric APIs prioritize flexibility. Teams with technical expertise can now conduct more complex searches, ask granular questions, build custom visualizations and merge their own data with the Altmetric data to perform unique analyses.

Tap into a world of data with the Altmetric APIs.

Plug-in to the world of data today

Built for speed
Built for exploration
Your data, your way

Built for speed

The Details Page API

This API allows you to quickly find out everything you need to know about an individual DOI or Journal ID for research or visualization purposes. With real-time access to counts (official name: Altmetric Details Page API – counts only) and even full text of mentions.

a sidebar next to an Altmetric donut and square icons next to multiple menu tabs, citation data and a world map on a web browser

Built for exploration

The Explorer API

This API gives users the ability to explore and understand the data we collect in more detail, and analyze and visualize the data in custom ways.

Whatever your requirements, our friendly team can help you choose which API better suits your needs.

angled laptop with an Altmetric donut on a web browser

Complete flexibility

Here are some of the things you can do with the API:

  • Tailor your dashboard to keep your most relevant metrics front and foremost
  • Create custom filters and searches
  • Use the data for internal dashboards and reports
  • Automate queries for reporting
a hand holding a chart inside a circle

Access the data how you want to

Get the flexibility to customize Altmetric data with an Altmetric API. And, if you’re not sure which API is right for you, our friendly team can help you decide.